Guides for FAQ


Green boxes contain questions and answers.

Light blue boxes contain guides and explanations.

Dark blue boxes contain information you should know.

Grey boxes are direct quotes from Discord, usually.

What is an Errata:

What is an Errata:

  1. Typos
  2. Grammar Mistakes / Wonky Sentence Structure
  3. Errors in information (i.e. Pikachu being listed as a dark type)
  4. Inconsistencies in the information (i.e. Move says it's Power 3 but the Damage pool space says Strength + 1)
  5. Floating letters or pixelated images
  6. Repeated content

What is Not an Errata

What is Not an Errata

  1. Comparing stats between Pokemon and changes you think should be made even if the games support your thoughts, Pokerole is not required to be fully up to date to the latest Gen
  2. Comparisons between the games and Pokerole, for newer Gens see above, for older games you may ask respectfully, if it was intended in pokerole but more than likely, it was
  3. Demands to changes in the system (You're welcome to discuss a homebrew in homebrew-discussion , or ask respectfully why something is the way it is in pokerole)
  4. Complaints about X thing being broken (gm-discussions exists if you need help dealing with a broken mechanic, also house rules are a thing)
  5. Fakemon (Just no.)

Storytellers! There’s an addendum for the Guide here that applies to you.

I've checked the rules, how do I submit?

I've checked the rules, how do I submit?

  1. Check if anyone else has submitted the errata to the team already on this spreadsheet. (If you see it mentioned, don't resubmit, even if the status isn't marked “Fixed” yet)
  2. Post the errata you found in the Errata channel of the Discord. Then if you have additional comments, or others want to comment on your errata, start a Discord Thread based off your original message. Please do not have conversation in the Errata channel.