Unofficial Official FAQ


  • This Page - Questions about the system development and release dates.
  • Mechanical Questions - Questions and clarifications about how the system works.
  • Guides - Written and visual guides produced by the community to help new players. These are very much worth a read!
  • Storyteller Questions - Questions and clarifications on how to run the system.
  • Submitting Errata - The instructions for submitting Errata via the Discord.
  • Discord Questions - Questions related to the Discord specifically.

Green boxes contain questions and answers.

Light blue boxes contain guides and explanations.

Dark blue boxes contain information you should know.

Grey boxes are direct quotes from Discord, usually.

When will Paldea's Pokedex be added?

When will Paldea's Pokedex be added?

  • Paldea and any other Pokemon not found in Pokerole currently will be released in Version 2.1

When will edition X.X of Pokerole/PMD come out?

When will edition X.X of Pokerole/PMD come out?

  • There are no guaranteed release dates. At time of writing, Pokerole 2.1 and an update to the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon expansion are in active development, they will be released when they are ready.

Why can’t you give us a release date?

Why can’t you give us a release date?

  • Because during the release of 2.0, a hard drive failure caused major delays in the release time frame and people made a meme about it. This frustrated the dev team to no end and they’ll no longer give release dates because of it.

I’d like to run/play a game of Pokerole!

I’d like to run/play a game of Pokerole!

  • The system is still fairly obscure compared to the other Pokemon systems. What we currently lack in player base, we make up for in quality! Try learning to be a Storyteller, and you’ll find a rewarding system with players eager to engage with your world.
  • (If you've never been a game master before, Pokexplorer’s Summer Camp is designed for both people new to the system and Storytelling.)

  • Players: You can post in the #player-directory channel following the template others have set. Storytellers can then find you by scrolling through the directory.
  • Storytellers: You can use the player directory as described above, or you can post your game's description using this template to the #open-games channel. You should ping the “@Looking For Game” role as part of your message as well. Once you've posted your game info, make a thread for people to respond in.

Where do I get the current version of the game?

Where do I get the current version of the game?

  • You can find it the offical website. Not all the resources are used for the most current version of the game, however, so be mindful.

Where are the Contest Cards mentioned in the rulebook?

Where are the Contest Cards mentioned in the rulebook?

  • Contests cards were lost in the aforementioned hard drive failure and 2.0 was released without them.
  • This means that contests are currently unplayable in the RAW sense. Contests will be released as part of 2.1.

Why can't I print/edit the book? It says it's password protected.

Why can't I print/edit the book? It says it's password protected.

  • The book is password protected out of respect for the artists who donated all the art that makes the book so nice.

How do I fold the Pokemon printable sheet?

How do I fold the Pokemon printable sheet?

Important Note for Those Interested in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Expansion


  • The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon module was written as an expansion of Pokerole 1.25. Pokerole is currently on 2.0, and no official Mystery Dungeon expansion exists for it (though there is homebrew).
  • Some Mechanics may not play well in PMD, because the 2.0 rules are designed exclusively for trainer games. This is something your table will have to work through until an official module can be released. For example, Logic and Instinct is almost universally ignored by DMs.

Instructions on how to play Pokerole 2.0 PMD version From Glee

  1. Open the PMD 1.0 Module
  2. Throw it in the trash can
  3. Set it on fire
  4. Open the 2.0 Core book
  5. Play as a Pokémon

I want to run PMD, but the module is outdated!

I want to run PMD, but the module is outdated!

  • The general recommendation is to run PMD as Pokerole 2.0, for the reason noted above.