


The PA system on the train crackles to life in between the consistent clacking of the tracks against the wheels. “We’ll be arriving in Littlebank in just a few moments, make sure you have all your belongings and stay safe out there. The wild Pokemon out here aren’t called wild for nothing.” The train car around is mostly empty, asides from a handful of other individuals.
Describe yourselves to each other as the train pulls into the station!


Littlebank#Train Station

Train Station

Like many frontier towns, Littlebank extends out from the train station into a main street where all the local businesses are setup. The ones that stand out immediately are the General Store, the Saloon, and the Sheriff’s Office. There are a few people milling about on the street but it’s an otherwise quiet day.
The station master sits with a kind smile behind his bushy mustache in a wooden ticket booth. “A mighty large group of ya coming into town today? Are ya’ll together? Can I give ya any directions?”

The station master is aware of the request for aid the Mayor put out and can direct the players directly there.

Littlebank#Town Hall

Town Hall

The Receptionist looks up. “How can I help ya’ll?”

After any mention of the telegram request each player came here for:

The receptionist leaps to her feet! “My, ya’ll came so quickly, and all at the same time too! I’ll tell the Mayor you’re here!” She then opens the door to her left. She slips inside, then returns a moment later. “He’ll see you right now!”

Littlebank#The Mayor’s Office

The Mayor’s Office

The Mayor stands as your group enters. He offers a hand shake to each of you as he speaks. “I say, welcome to Littlebank! I’m mighty impressed how quickly ya’ll made it out here! Dare I say it, I’m honestly surprised!”
He sits back down after shaking each of your hands. “I shouldn’t say that o’course, given I own the railroads around these parts, but it can just be our little secret huh?” He takes a crystal decanter from the bookshelves and begins to pour each of you a drink from it, then himself. It’s Whiskey
“Your speed is a blessing though, I must say. You see, our Town is outright under siege by some terrible Pokemon. We’re getting attacked every other night and every other day and it’s taking a real toll on the people who live here. We need experts like yourselves to find out where these vicious creatures are attacking from before we don’t have a town anymore!”



“The Reward I offered is good for each of you, 5000 dollars a piece if you manage to drive them out away from our town.”

The Pokemon
“I’m not a big fan of the beasts myself, but I believe they’re called… Rockruff? Rockruff and whatever beast they transform into.”
  • Clever+Lore - Rockruff are not known to be aggressive in current studies
  • Clever+Lorex2 - Rockruff are known to be highly territorial and lash out at those who try to take their land.

Once any immediate questions are answered, the meeting is interrupted.

Suddenly there’s a massive clanging from the building next door! The Mayor leaps to his feet, “That’s the warning bell, the beasts are here! Go on ya’ll, we’re all done here anyway!” The mayor then climbs under his desk.

Main Street

As you step out into the main street, you spot a wagon being pulled by two mudbray careening into town. The driver is frantically checking behind him and as soon as he sees people he shouts “Pokemon! They’re after meeeeee!” At that moment a Lycanroc (Day Form) bounds around from the back of the wagon, launching a summoned jagged rock into the wheel! The wagon goes out of control and crashes into the middle of the street, the dry goods within flying out everywhere. The scene is quickly obscured by bags of flour that rupture and form a cloud around the wagon.


  • Cloud of flour is effectively Fog weather
  • The man will scream for help at the start of the first round. As soon as Players and their pokemon move to support the man, the Lycanroc will take the chance to flee. This is meant to be an introduction, not a long fight.
  • If you’d like this to be a longer, more involved fight, you can include Main Street Lycanroc 2, Main Street RockRuff, and Main Street RockRuff 2 to balance the number of wild pokemon with the PCs. Be warned, this will make the fight longer.
People begin cheering as the wild pokemon flee back to whence they came. The Mayor swings out of his door and shouts aloud “My dear people! These brave trainers have come all the way out here to our fine town of Littlebank to help us with these doggarn Pokemon that are trying to drive us from our homes! Help them out all you can so we can all be rid of this terrible menace!”

The cart drive thanks them profusely after lamenting that most of the supplies he was bringing into town are ruined now. The players have run of town at this point. They are welcome to talk to townsfolk, shop at the store, or head straight out into the frontier to find the Lycanroc den.

Town Talking Points

  • The Lycanroc that come at night are far scarier’
  • The Mayor owns the local railroad and he’s working on expanding our station up to the next big city, I can’t wait!
  • Poor old Andy tried to find where the Lycanroc live, so we could dynamite the whole thing closed… Never came back
  • Rumor has it Wilson Downs has a pokemon himself… He has to, to survive going out to the railroad construction so often.

The Frontier

For a short game, don’t bother with a map, do one encounter, then bring them to Rockruff Ridge. For a game with more time on your hands, present the map of the Frontier and ask the players where they’d like to go. The following encounters are each tied to a location on the map.

Frontier#Rockruff Ridge

Rockruff Ridge

You arrive at the ridges in the evening, just after the sun has set. You can see light off over the edge of one of the ridges because of this, though you’re unsure of what it might be.

To approach the lights in the distance, players will need to make a Strength+Athletics to climb their way over some of less walkable ridges.

You reach the top of the ridge you see light over and peer down… To see a full construction site! Branching out of a tunnel in the mountain is a railroad under construction. Dozens of people are hard at work below, making quite a bit of noise.
Suddenly, something leaps down from above you over your heads! A pair of bipedal Lycanroc are leaping down toward the site! A man in a black cowboy hat steps up quickly and throws a pokeball out, releasing a Machamp. The Machamp starts tossing rocks at the Lycanroc, who halt their assault to avoid the thrown stones.
“Get outta here you damn dogs!” the man in the black hat yells. “This is our land now!” The Lycanroc eventually give up their attack and flee back for the cliffs, in a different direction from where you’re observing from.

The players have a few options here, they can head back to town (no encounters on the way), follow the Lycanroc to their Den, or approach the railroad camp.

Frontier#Railroad Build Site

Railroad Build Site

It’s a dangerous climb down from the ridges to the site for humans. Players attempting will need a Strength+Athleticsx3 to do so without falling. If they do fall they take one damage for each missing success.

The man in the black hat is Wilson Downs. He will greet the group and if they don’t act aggressive with him, he’ll speak to them casually about how the Rockruff just need to move out of the area already. If they mention Sherman, he recalls Sherman mentioning that he’d hired a group to exterminate the Rockruff once and for all. He’ll then ask if they’ve done so yet.

Any aggression is met with Wilson’s Machamp coming out. If the players are defeated Wilson will bring them back to town tied up.

Frontier#Lycanroc Den

Lycanroc Den

You approach a large cave nestled in the ridges of the mountain. Outside are some Rockruff who don’t notice your approach. They all look utterly exhausted and are trying to sleep, but the sounds of the railroad camp seem to be carrying up through the caves. Lycanroc (day form) also try their best to rest, but they don’t seem to be having any better luck. A midnight form Lycanroc pace around, clearly aggravated by the noise themselves.

There are four Rockruff here, two midday Lycanroc, and a single Midnight Lycanroc. All of them have Paralysis (from exhaustion) if they’re battled. They don’t stick around for much of a fight either, they’ll quickly try to flee. The Midnight Lycanroc will engage until the other have a chance to escape.

Any attempts to be friendly are met with suspicion, but the Rockruff will eventually allow the trainers to approach. The Lycanroc will flee the area if they’re approached.



Your trip back to town is unimpeded by pokemon and you arrive at midday the next day. The first thing you spot as you approach town is the mayor waving to you with a smile on his face.

If the players actually did drive off the Lycanroc pack, the Mayor will reward them and offer them a full time gig as his problem solvers.

“Welcome back! I’m right eager to hear about your efforts, why don’t you walk with me?”

Sherman Sheppard is probing for information about what they know. As soon as the PCs imply that he can be related to the attacks due to the railroad work, continue.

“Well now…” Mayor Sheppard says, tipping his hat low. He steps ahead of you. “I was hoping you’d do your jobs like I paid you too… But I suppose that was too much to ask.” From the Saloon door to the Mayor’s right you can see the man with black hat stepping out, his stirrups jingling while he sports a evil grin. “I dare say Wilson, it appears this interlopers are out to sabotage our railroad.”
“Can’t have that, now can we boss.”
“No. We can’t.” Mayor Sheppard lifts his hat and flicks his blazer back, revealing a pokeball. Both he and Wilson hover their hands over the balls. “Well? You wanna moesy on out of town, or are we going to have to come to blows?”


  • Initiative is not to be decided normally for this fight. Instead, the players each make a Cool+Throw roll versus Sheppard and Wilson. The side with the higher roll goes first, mexican stand off style. (Sheppard and Wilson have 5 for the roll)
  • If the PCs are losing, can have the Lycanrocs appear to assist. Especially so if they offered food/support to them at the Den. Either the Midnight Lycanroc or both Midday Lycanrocs are a good choice.
  • Electivire is wholly unnecessary unless you hate your PCs

Defeat - Sheppard stands over them as they start to black out. “You’re going to jail for a long, long time for this…”

As Wilson and Mayor Sheppard collapse in defeat, the town’s folk pour out into the street asking what’s going on. They can explain that the cause of the attacks was the railroad construction and that with some help from Pokemon researchers they can likely find a solution together. The town’s folk turn on the mayor and the dopey sheriff arrests him and Wilson. The town’s folk then ask what’s next for the PCs.