
Electivire (M)

Rank: Ace
Nature: Bold (9)
Type Electric
Ability Motor Drive
Total HP 8

Str⬤⬤⬤ΟΟΟΟ (3/7)Tough ⬤⬤⬤⬤Ο
Dex⬤⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (5/6) Cool ⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Vit⬤⬤⦿Ο (3/4) Beauty⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Spe⬤⬤⬤⦿ΟΟ (4/6) Clever⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Ins⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (4/5) Cute ⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Brawl 3Channel 3Clash 0Evasion1
Alert 2Athletic 0Nature 1Stealth1

Motor Drive The first time this Pokémon is hit by an Electric-type move, Increase 1 Point to its Dexterity Attribute. This Pokémon doesn’t receive damage from Electrictype moves.
This Pokémon absorbs electricity and stores it as energy to run faster.


Thunder Shock

A small electric attack that shocks the foe and may leave it with muscular cramps. Some electric devices hit by this attack will malfunction.
Type Electric – Special
Target Foe – Power 2
Dmg Dice SPECIAL + 2 = 6 (+1 STAB)
Effect Roll 1 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe.

Fire Punch

The User can ignite its fists for a brief moment without any danger of getting burned. The foe may not be so lucky.
Type Fire – Physical
Target Foe – Power 3
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 3 = 6
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (8)
Effect Fist Based. Roll 1 Chance Dice to apply Burn 2 to the foe.


The user disrupts the fighting stance of its foe by sending a sharp sound to the foe’s ears.
Type Normal – Support
Target Foe – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Acc Dice TOUGH + PERFORM = (6)
Effect Reduce the foe’s Defense by 2. Sound Based.

Ion Deluge

The user amplifies all electrically charged particles in the environment. The results are shocking!
Type Electric – Support
Target Battlefield – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Acc Dice INSIGHT + NATURE = (5)
Effect For the rest of the Scene, Normal Type Moves will deal damage as if they were Electric Type Moves.

Low Kick

The user kicks the target making it fall, the bigger the foe the harder the fall.
Type Fighting – Physical
Target Foe – Power 1
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 1 = 4
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (8)
Effect Add 1 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool for every 50 kgs. of weight on the foe. Up to +4 Extra Dice may be added this way.

Electro Ball

The Pokemon creates a small electricity orb that is hurled at the target. If the user is faster, the impact will be bigger.
Type Electric – Special
Target Foe – Power 2
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 2 = 5 (+1 STAB)
Effect The user adds 1 Dice to the Damage Pool for every Dexterity point the User has that surpasses the foe’s. Up to 4 Dice may be added.