
Frontier#Phanpy Peaks

Phanpy Peaks

Ask the players for a Dexterity+Insight check. Whoever has the most successes is the first to notice:

As you hit the final stretch of the pass, Player you start to hear… something like a rumbling sound. You glance around spot something bright blue rolling down the hill towards you! It’s gaining speed and seems to be angled directly at your group!

Ask the PCs for Dexterity+Athletic to avoid the Phanpy. If a player fails, they take damage from Phanpy’s rollout attack and the Phanpy bounces off of them

Before you is a small blue pokemon with big ears and a long, tube like nose! It lets out a trumpeting cry from it’s nose. Upon the peaks you spot at least a dozen more of these creatures responding with the same trumpeting call before curling into a ball themselves and flying down the hill towards you!

The players need to make Dexterity+Athleticx2 checks to escape the Phanpy unscathed. They take a rollout attack from the Phanpy for each success they miss, though they can release a pokemon to take the hit for them.

The pokemon can’t keep up with you without the rolling start off the peak so as you out run the last of the ones falling from the mountain you know you’ll be able to out run the rest with ease. The herd of them give chase until you reach the exit of the pass, then slow their chase down. The trumpet at you from within the ravine.