
Frontier#Hippowdon Hollow

Hippowdon Hollow

“Help, anyone, heeeeelllllpppp!” You hear from with in the hollow. Inside you see a massive tan pokemon with a wide snout and sand pouring from the holes on it’s back chasing a settler around the hollow. The settler looks exhausted and the pokemon’s mouth is getting closer to a successful bite every time.


  • *Potentially make the Hippowodon an alpha and have the settler call that out.
  • The settler is Andy from the town rumors. He got lost looking for Rockruff ridge. He’ll get out of the way as long as a pokemon has engaged the Hippowdon.
  • The Hippowdon won’t stop attacking Andy until a Pokemon deals damage to it and gets it’s attention.
“Thank you thank you thank you! You’re my heroes! I’m going to tell everyone in town what great people you are, it’s Littlebank town, you know it?”

Andy knows nothing but promises them a feast at the Saloon in town when they return from their mission.