
Mandibuzz that can show up anywhere?

Rockruff Ridge

This area is a smattering of cliffs of all shapes and sizes, blended together so that they snake into one another at random intervals. There are ways one can walk up the ridges, but it’s a round about and long way of doing so. None of the drops between ridges are particularly long, but it the whole structure is easily hundreds of feet tall.

Diglett Ditch

Braixen Bluff

You find yourselves on a bluff overlooking a stretch of the frontier. There’s a small grove of trees here, the first one’s you’ve seen since coming out west. It’s… peaceful, and seems like a great place to take a rest.

Hippowdon Hollow

A gentle slope leads to this circular hollow nestled into a short cliff face. The hollow itself is about 30 feet below the cliff that forms it, and entirely filled with sand.

Manectric Meadows

The Prairie field goes on endless as you walk through it. The grass is occasionally tall, but there are no trees to break up the endless horizon you see before you. The grass rustling in the wind is the only sound you hear in these wide open plains.

Phanpy Peaks

You make your way through a deep ravine between two tall peaks. There’s a lot of loose rock on the path between the peaks which makes it a bit annoying to trek through, but you know it’s far faster than going up and around one of the peaks.