
### Braixen Bluff

Nothing happens while they rest, if they do. When they go to leave the encounter begins.

As you make your way away from the grove… you slam into what feels like a wall! You spot the feint outline of just that, a wall of light that’s stopped you in your tracks. There’s a fwooshing sound next as a massive ring of fire circles your group. From out of the grove come a tall bipedal fox like pokemon, nearly your height, with two/three shorter fox like pokemon beside it, also bipedal. They stalk around the outside of the fire, observing you with scrutinizing eyes.


  • The Delphox is the leader, and is willing to listen to the trainers if they decide to talk. If they explain they mean no harm and are only passing through, then succeed on a Cool+Empathyx2, the Delphox makes a hole in the Fire Spin that will let the PCs leave, away from the grove.
  • Any attempt to attack or breach the Fire Spin attack will put the Delphox and Braxien on attack. They primarily target those closest to the grove of trees.