Free Expertise

Expertise Example Skills
Magic Magic (any origin), Detecting the presence of Magic, Deciphering Magic texts, etc.
Religion Performing rituals, Giving inspirational sermons, Providing comfort, etc.
Performance Playing a musical instrument, Singing, Dancing, Acting, Puppetry, etc.
InvestigationReading people, Spotting clues, Persuading people, etc.
Survival Foraging, Tracking, Finding useful materials, etc.
Medicine Identifying illnesses, Preparing medicines, Healing injuries (Removing hurt Condition), Curing sickness (Removing Sick Condition). etc
Stealth Hiding, Going unnoticed, Eavesdropping, Pickpocketing, etc.
Cooking Preparing meals, Inventing recipes, Finding ingredients, etc.
Crafts Blacksmithing, Sculpture, Sewing, Painting, Appraising crafted items, etc.
Botany Identifying plants, Treating plant illnesses, Gardening, Growing fruit and vegetables, etc.
Politics Giving inspirational speeches, Deceiving people, Persuading people, Providing comfort. etc.
Philosophy Encouraging scepticism, Causing confusion, Annoying authority figures, ere
Science Identifying phenomena related to scientific field, Using equipment related to scientific field, Spotting patterns, Conducting expertinents, etc.
Athletics Ball Sports, Polo, Climbing, Lifting, etc.

Class Expertise

These Expertise are only available if your class awards them to you.

Expertise Example Skills
Armed Combat Swords, Lances, Axes, Knives, etc
Ranged Combat Bows, Crossbows, Slings, Throwing, etc
Unarmed CombatPugilism, Wrestling, Kickboxing etc
Magical CombatFire, Thunder, Ice, Wind, Darkness, Light
Riding Horses, Camels, Wolves, etc
Flying Mounts Pegasus, Wyvern, Griffins, etc
Heavy Armor Plate, Chain, Tower Shields, etc