Simp Ultima

Campaign Summary


World of Rimea

Rimea is a world much like our own, but with a few notable differences. Rimea’s equator runs North to South, and therefore the eastern and western sides of the map are the coldest areas. Rimea was home to ancient civilizations that left behind sprawling dungeons and ancient artifacts that modern Rimeans interact with frequently.

Rimea is a dangerous land, where travel away from a settlement can mean death by wandering monster. Rimea lacks easy methods of international travel, communication, and trade because of this. There’s a project in mind to create a cross continental train (the Continental Carriage) but it’s just not feasible yet. Airships are theorized, but not created as of yet.

Rimeans are all able to use Magic, though most only at a rudimentary level. Those that continue the study are capable of great magicks no matter their bloodline, while most are happy to cast basic cantrips. Each nation has their own believe in how magic comes to be, but they mostly believe it to be some form of natural or godly gift. There is a somewhat secret society in the world of those who believe magic can be mastered via the scientific method, but that world view is not well accepted.


