Malaba Empire

An empire in the northern part of Rimea. Malaba has an Emperor but the nation’s power is held by the Imperial Council, who are evenly divided in two factions. The first is the Reserved party, and they wish to focus on internal growth and prosperity. The Endeavoring Party wishes to expand the military and grow the Empire. The two parties are at a constant gridlock.

The Empire has a beautiful capital city rising out of the jungle and well maintained borders, but the villages that cover the rest of the Empire are struggling to survive. The Empire’s military is too small to handle such a large land, so monster raids are frequent and often go unopposed. Villages fall off the map every year due to these concerns.

The Empire is situated in a massive rainforest, predominantly. It’s cities are made from white stone which stand out against all the green. Clearings have been cut for villages and farms through out the rainforest as well.



Points of Interest