Kingdom of Calibar

The Kingdom of Calibar is situated in the east. The kingdom is filled with grassy fields, rolling hills, and abundant farmland. The climate is good and people eat well here after a harvest. The kingdom is divided into various fiefdoms ruled by a local lord, while the capital’s castle seats the King’s throne.

Calibarians value honor and personal freedom above all else. Anyone can be come anything in Calibar, and striving to do so is seen as noble. There are a large number of trade guilds to gain training so one can achieve their goals in Calibar.

Calibar has a strong military of able fighters, as there is no better way to understand and respect one another in Calibar than combat. While strong, Calibar has no evidence other nations would not challenge them as honorably as Calibar would them, and do not assume ill intentions even in the worst of diplomatic engagements.



Points of Interest