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Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games!

This a server dedicated to playing pick up and play Tabletop RPGs of two varieties: One Shots and Open Table games.

  • One Shots are games you can play in a single sitting!
    • Some are single, short, stories in a TTRPG that wrap up in one session
    • Others are games designed to be unique and different every time you play, not unlike a board game!
  • Open Table games are ones where you can create a character and play in any session you’re available to attend!
    • Open Tables play with whoever’s available, scheduling and missing a session aren’t problems
    • These are persistent worlds you adventure in, a mix of One Shot standalones and traditional campaigns
    • Open Tables are not my original concept, they’re taken from this three part article:
    • Give it a read!
  • Why is all this cool?
    • Game Masters can find players
    • players can find GMs
    • both can meet new people to play with
    • entire games can run without a weekly, 4-8 hour commitment to a group
    • Scheduling (a frequent downfall to TTRPG groups!) isn’t an issue
    • We may or may not have Cake

How to Get into Games!

  • We’re going to use the One Shots section of the server to explain, but Open Table games work the same way with their own copies of these channels
  • First, react to the Rolebot message in this channel for the @Players role so you’ll get pings for open games.

  • The first way to play is to join an Open Call in #open-calls
    • Open Calls are where a GM will post information about a game they’re offering to run, including the date, the time, and a description of the game itself.
    • All you need to do is RSVP!
    • Depending on the type of one shot, or if you’re RSVPing to an Open Table Call, you might need to do somethings before the session starts (character creation comes to mind!) but the GM for the game will help you with that.
  • The second way to play is requesting a Sponsored Session in #sponsored-sessions.
    • A Sponsored Session is a request by one or more players for a GM to run a game/at a time/both!
    • No formal structure, but use @Game Master to ping GMs about your request
    • If a GM wants to pick up your request, they’ll create an Open Call you can RSVP to.

So You’d like to GM?

Awesome! We always need more GMs!

  • To start, react to the Rolebot post in this channel to get the Game Master Role
    • Players will be able to ping you for Sponsored Sessions
    • You’ll get the ability to create Server Events
  • To run a One Shot game:
    • Create a Server Event (under server settings).
    • This will allow you to set a time, date, and description along with claim a voice channel for your game.
    • Once you’ve created the event, share the link to it in #open-calls so players can RSVP!
  • If you’re looking to run an Open Table game:
    • definitely read the articles linked at the start of this guide. The second one in particular is a summary of what an Open Table game needs.
    • After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game.

Invite Link

Self explanatory, if you’d like to invite a friend who’d have an interest in what we’re trying to do here, this is the link to send them!