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HMs for a Narrative Game


Hidden Machines in the games were specific moves that allowed you to move or interact with the overworld in specific ways. While HMs have gone by the wayside in the modern games, the concept of Pokemon enabling new shortcuts, avoiding obstacles, and being required to pass barriers is a great idea to spice up a Pokerole journey.

This is a list of various action words a Pokemon could take, and types of Pokemon that might be able to take that. Use these action words to inspire obstacles or challenges in your party’s path as they journey through the Pokemon world. The Types columns are only suggestions! If it makes sense a Pokemon can take that action in the given situation, allow it!


This table is just based off of types or Pokemon and then generic powers that type might have. Moves are another great source of inspiration! Build backwards, look at a player’s move and build a puzzle or obstacle that just asks to be solved using that move.

Action Types Obstacles
Fly Flying, Dragon Anything on the ground, getting to something in the air.
Swim Water, Ice Travel on the water, waterfalls, whirlpools
Dive Water Get to something underwater
Float Psychic, Grass, ElectricLevitate an object, cross a gap
Block Rock, Ground, Psychic Create a barrier, build a path through an obstacle
Vanish Ghost Go through a wall or floor, hide in plain sight
Charge Electric Power an electronic, cross live wire areas
Strength Fight, Rock, Steel Break an obstacle, Move a obstacle out of the way
Light Fire, Electric, Dragon Ignite a flammable material, clear flammable obstacle
Dissolve Poison Eat through materials
Sniff Normal Follow a scent, notice something hidden
CamouflageBug, Grass Hide in plain sight, spy on something
Build Rock, Ice, Ground Create an obstacle or a way around one
Teleport Psychic Move instantly somewhere else
Sneak Dark, Ghost, Flying Move without being spot, trail someone
Freeze Ice Freeze an obstacle or path
Flash Fire, Electric, Fairy Brighten a dark area
Climb Normal Ground, Fight Scale a high/vertical surface
Swing Grass, Fight Swing across a gap on vine, cable, etc
Slide Ice Go safely down a deep drop
Honeypot Grass, Fairy, Bug Let off a scent or effect that attracts Pokemon/People
Douse Water Put out flames, cool off an area
Chill Ice, Water Make a too hot environment hospitable
Warm Fire, Electricity Make a too cold environment hospitable
Anchor Rock, Steel, Ground Make a too windy environment hospitable
Cleanse Flying, Fairy, Poison Make a toxic environment hospitable
Nullify Normal, Dark Make a spectral environment traversable
Calm Fairy, Grass Calm an anxious or distressed person
Forage Grass, Normal Find water or food in the wilderness