Guns and Auras


Chose a Style-
Phony Posh
Heroic Serious
Daredevil Rebellious
Ace Retired
Chose a Role -
Soldier Terrorist
Huntsman / Huntsman (in Training)Dust Salesman
Academy Staff Researcher
Bandit Aristocrat

Choose a Number

Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high number means you’re better at GUNS (technology; science; cold rationality; calm, precise action). A low number means you’re better at AURA (intuition; diplomacy; seduction; wild, passionate action).

Give yourself a Name and Race

Give yourself a cool name with a color reference and decide if you’re a Faunus or a Human.

You Have:

You have a cool weapon that’s also a gun, a scroll communication device, and a unique outfit.

Choose a Character Goal:

Chose a Goal -
Settle a New Settlement Become a Renouned Huntsman
Find The Source of Grimm Make Things Better for the Faunus
Prove Yourself Fight Bad Guys
Keep Being Awesome (you have nothing to prove)


When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll +1d if you’re prepared and +1d if you’re an expert. (The GM tells you how many dice to roll, based on your character and the situation.) Roll your dice and compare each die result to your number.If you’re using GUN (science, reason), you want to roll under your number.If you’re using AURA, (rapport, passion) you want to roll over your number.

  • 0 If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM says how things get worse somehow.
  • 1 If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.
  • 2 If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good job!
  • 3 If three dice succeed, you get a critical success! The GM tells you some extra effect you get.

If you roll your number exactly, you have GUN AURA. You get a special insight into what’s going on. Ask the GM a question and they’ll answer you honestly. Some good questions: (A roll of GUN AURA counts as a success.)

What are they really feeling?
Who’s behind this? How could I get them to _____? What should I be on the lookout for?

What’s the best way to _____? What’s really going on here?

HELPING: If you want to help someone else who’s rolling, say how you try to help and make a roll. If you succeed, give them +1d.


The World of Remnant

Roll A Threat… Wants to… The… Which Will…
1 The Queen of the Grimm Destroy/Corrupt Relics of the Gods Summon a Vengeful God
2 A Fascist General Steal/Capture Supply Train Destroy the City
3 Criminal Mastermind Bond With Dust Mines Oppress the Faunus
4 A Grimm Horde Protect/Empower A Kingdom Get Revenge Against Their Greatest Enemy
5 A Bandit Leader Build/Create The Newest Atlasian Super Weapon Gain Control of the Military
6 Terrorist Cell Pacify/Occupy Maidens Bring Magic back to the World

Academy Days

Roll A Threat… Wants to… The… Which Will…
1 The School Bully Destroy/Corrupt Treasure Hidden in the Academy Cut off the City from the World
2 A Team from Another Academy Steal/Capture Airship Port Give Them Ultimate Power
3 A Famous Thief Bond With A Prototype Weapon Personally Hurt the PCs
4 An Alpha Grimm Protect/Empower Party’s Faunus Friend Let Them/Help Others Cheat on Finals
5 A Terrorist Group Build/Create The Headmaster’s Kid Assassinate a Corrupt Official
6 An Expert Assassin Pacify/Occupy Test Answers Blackmail the City/Academy

Play to find out how they defeat the threat. Introduce the threat by showing evidence of its recent badness. Before a threat does something to the characters, show signs that it’s about to happen, then ask them what they do. “Ironwood charges the mega-cannons on his ship. What do you do?” “Roman pours you a glass of Arcturan whiskey and slips his arm around your waist. What do you do?”

Call for a roll when the situation is uncertain. Don’t pre-plan outcomes—let the chips fall where they may. Use failures to push the action forward. The situation always changes after a roll, for good or ill