Max Moves

All Dynamax moves have the following properties:

  • Uses up a normal move of that type for the round
  • Target a single foe
  • add +2 to Move Accuracy and Damage

G-Max moves are custom Dynamax moves with additional effects. All G-Max Moves have the following Properties:

  • Uses up a normal of that type for the round
  • Targets All Foes
  • Add +2 to Move Accuracy and Damage
  • Only one G-Max move per Pokemon
  • Same effect as the Dynamax move of this Type
  • Select extra effects based on Pokemon’s Rank. (Can add custom effects at Pro+)
1 2 4 4 6

All Types of G-Max Moves can choose either of these effects as well:

  • Target all Foes
  • Copy the effects of another Move with this type
Type Name Dynamax Effect G-Max Effect 1 G-Max Effect 2G-Max Effect 3 G-Max Effect 4
Bug Max Flutterby -1 Special Sleep(3) Paralysis(3) Poison(3) +2 Chance
Dark Max Darkness -1 Special Def Sleep(3) Flinch(3) +2 Chance Dice Lethal
FightingMax Knuckle User & Allies +1 Str High Critical +2 Damage DiceNo Attribute ReductionFlinch(3)
Dragon Max Wyrmwind -1 Strength Lethal Flinch(3) +1 An Attribute -1 Will From Foe
Fire Max Flare Sunny Day Harsh Sun Weather Ignore AbilityBurn 3(3) Blocks
ElectricMax Lightning Electric Terrain Paralysis Blocks Give Status Condition +1 Damage Dice
Flying Max Airstream User & Allies +1 Dex Strong Winds Weather High Critical No Attribute ReductionCure Status
Fairy Max Starfall Misty Terrain Affect Allies + User Heal 2 Give Confusion Give Love Status
Ghost Max Phantasm -1 Defense Lethal Flinch(3) Blocks -1 Will From Foe
Grass Max OvergrowthGrassy Terrain Reduce own Dex -1 Ignore AbilityCure Status Condition -1 Evasion
Poison Max Ooze User & Allies +1 Spec Poison(3) Burn 1(3) -1 Attribute Lethal
Ground Max Quake User & Allies +1 Sp.Def+2 Damage Dice Blocks High Critical Ignore Ability
Psychic Max Mindstorm Psychic Terrain Ignore Ability Sleep(3) Give Confusion Never Fail
Ice Max Hailstorm Hail Weather Lethal Frozen(3) +2 Chance Dice Blocks
Rock Max Rockfall Sandstorm Lethal Flinch(3) +2 Damage Dice -1 Attribute
Normal Max Strike -1 Dexterity Lethal Paralysis(3) +1 Attribute +2 Damage Dice
Steel Max SteelspikeUser & Allies +1 Def No Attribute ReductionFlinch(3) Damage -2 +2 Damage Dice
Water Max Geyser Rain Weather Typhoon Weather Ignore Ability-1 Attribute Burn 1(3)