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  • Jaanu: The Rogue, a Firebender.
  • Kianari: The Icon, a Waterbender.
  • Tudi: The Idealist, an Earthbender.
  • Katsumi: The Successor, a Firebender.
  • Shaizo: The Hammer, a Firebender.

Episode Zero

The party takes a job to deliver a package for Lord Farquad, a Fire Nation noble. They deliver the box, but in the recipients mansion they accidentally discover the package has a dragon egg instead. In a snap decision, they decide to steal the dragon egg back. They use disguises, egg shaped rocks, and Tudi’s sticky fingers (but only for good reasons) to get it out of the mansion.

However Lord Farquad had goons tailing the party and discovers their betrayal. The goons give chase and the party makes for an Air Nomad embassy. The Nomads wouldn’t get involved so Tudi makes a tunnel for the party to escape through via earth bending. With the mercenaries off their tail, they stash the egg at Shaizo’s old school (The Royal Fire Academy for Girls) in the animal labs. They then head off to rest after a hell of an adventure, consequences waiting for them in the morning

Episode One - Can I Steal you an Egg in this Trying Time?

The companions regroup in the morning and decide to recover the egg. They head to the Caldera Markets first to pick up something to carry the relatively large egg covertly. Jannu’s influence leads them to attempt to steal an edible arrangement basket to use. Katsumi attempts to create a small fire in the stall as a distraction, but lights her own hair on fire. It works though, and Jannu grabs the basket. She knocks a few things over though, and Shaizu has to step in to further distract. The shopgirl is impressed with Shaizu’s build and they finally get away clean.

On the way out of the Market they run across an Airbender preaching for the The Guiding Wind. He’s sleezy and gives the companions a bad vibe. Shaizu decides to call him out and says she’s the historical general Rangii. He falls for her lie and assumes she’s a modern general. He tries to turn the discussion into a rally of support for closing the Fire and Air Learning Center, but Shaizu shuts it down and he ends his preaching.

Before they get the school they realize Tudi and Kianari need disguises as they’re obviously earth and water benders respectively. They stop by the uniform store around the corner. They get Tudi a uniform that fits, but they only have shoes that fit the finishing school’s uniform which are pumps. With mostly accurate uniforms paid for, they head towards the school.

Around the corner they see Principal Bashira, Shaizu’s rival, escorting two wagons of soldiers (6) into the building. One has strange large gloves. The companions head into the school after a short delay and catch up when Bashira heads to his office and the soldiers head into a room on the third floor. One stands guard. The companions try to sneak a peek at the room (seeing it’s the science lab they stashed the egg in) by giggling their way past the guard, but he calls out Tudi’s incorrect uniform.

The guard starts to shuffle them towards Bashira’s office when they’re excuses fail to convince him. At the last moment Jannu and Tudi shove him down, and Kianari freezes his hands and neck to the floor. Katsumi finishes him off by sitting on his chest and and casually threatening him with a knife. After an interrogation that involves the soldier (Ukari) being stripped while Katsumi continues to sit on him, comments on the location (a girl’s academy) he’s being stripped in, and more casually threats from the woman sitting on him, the companions get Tudi dressed up in a Fire Nation Soldier’s uniform.

The rest of the soldiers make their way out of the lab with the egg, somehow missing the scene on the far end of the hallway. Tudi joins them in disguise and speaks with the captain as they walk their way back to the wagons. The others dress Ukari up in Tudi’s girls uniform disguise so they can get out without suspicion as well. Tudi ends up in the wagon with the egg just as the soldiers are about to leave and the rest of the companions + Ukari exit the building. The soldiers are suspicious of the “students” being out of class and notice Ukari with them. The soldiers ready themselves for combat, expecting the worst!

The fight breaks out in earnest. The two squads do some damage all around, Tudi manages to steal the egg and get it behind ally lines, one of the soldiers goad Shaizu into shifting hard into her Force principle which she lives up to, and Kianari freezes the wagons to prevent them from escaping. One squad surrenders after the other is taken out, then the companions steal a wagon and get out of the area.