
Zygarde 10%

A Dragon/Ground Pokemon with a Nature nature at Rank rank. It’s Abilities are:

  • Aura Break Invert the effects that the Abilities Dark Aura and Fairy Aura have on their users. If said Abilities would increase a Dice Pool for their user, reduce it instead.
  • Power Construct At the end of the Round, if this Pokemon has half or less of its HP, change its Form to the next one. When this Pokemon changes Form, remove Status Ailments & restore its full HP & Will. This Ability can’t be copied, switched, or changed.


HP (4)InitEvade Phys ClashSpec Clash
9 6 6 6 4
Str Dex Vit Spec Ins
6/6 6/6 5/5 4/4 5/5
Tough CoolBeautyClever Cute
1 1 1 1 1




  • Glare - Normal Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Intimidate. Effect: Paralyze the foe. -1 Accuracy.
  • Bulldoze - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Area. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+2. Effect: Reduce the Dexterity of those affected.
  • Dragon Breath - Dragon Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe.
  • Bite - Dark Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+2. Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe.
  • Safeguard - Normal Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User and Allies. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: For the next 4 Rounds, the User and its Allies are immune to Status Ailments (Burn. Poison. Sleep. Confuse. Freeze. Paralysis). Lasts 4 Rounds. Previously inflicted Status Ailments remain.
  • Dig - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Charge Move. While charging this move, the User will be out of range. Can be hit by Earthquake, Magnitude, or a similar move.
  • Bind - Normal Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+1. Effect: Block. Deal 2 dice of damage at the end of each Round. Lasts 4 Rounds. -2 Accuracy.
  • Land’s Wrath - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Strength+Channel with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Lethal. Ranged. All Foes in Range.
  • Sandstorm - Rock Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: Sandstorm Weather is activated for the next 4 Rounds.
  • Haze - Ice Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: Remove all Increased or Reduced Attributes and Traits on everyone on the Battlefield.
  • Crunch - Dark Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Lethal. Roll 1 Chance Dice to reduce foe’s Defense.
  • Earthquake - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Area. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+4. Effect: Area Attack. Ranged.
  • Camouflage - Normal Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: For the rest of the scene the User changes type to one that fits the terrain it is in (i.e. Usar is in a rocky cave, becoming rock type)
  • Dragon Pulse - Dragon Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3.
  • Coil - Poison Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Intimidate. Effect: Increase the User’s Strength, Defense, and Accuracy.
  • Outrage - Dragon Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Random Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Strength+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+5. Effect: Rampage.
  • Extreme Speed - Normal Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Priority 2. Triple the Pokemon’s movement speed.
  • Dragon Dance - Dragon Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Perform. Effect: Increase the User’s Strength and Dexterity.
  • Thousand Waves - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Blocks. Ranged. All Foes in Range.
  • Thousand Arrows - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Strength+Channel with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Lethal. Ranged. All Foes in Range. If successful, Flying and Levitating Pokemon can be hit by Ground-Type Moves for the rest of the scene.