

A Dragon/Flying Pokemon with a Nature nature at Rank rank. It’s Abilities are:

  • Air Lock Negate all the effects of a Weather Condition in the field. If there are no weather conditions in the field, they cannot be activated by Moves or Abilities. If one is already active, it does not disappear but provides no effects.


HP (8)InitEvade Phys ClashSpec Clash
13 6 6 8 8
Str Dex Vit Spec Ins
8/8 6/6 5/5 8/8 5/5
Tough CoolBeautyClever Cute
1 1 1 1 1




  • Twister - Dragon Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foes.
  • Scary Face - Normal Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Intimidate. Effect: Reduce the foe’s Dexterity by 2.
  • Ancient Power - Rock Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice to Increase the User’s Strength, Dexterity, Special, Defense, and Sp. Defense.
  • Crunch - Dark Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Lethal. Roll 1 Chance Dice to reduce foe’s Defense.
  • Air Slash - Flying Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe.
  • Rest - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Vitality+Nature. Effect: Complete Heal. If successful spend 1 Will point to activate. The User must Sleep for a whole Round (from Round Start to Round End).
  • Extreme Speed - Normal Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Priority 2. Triple the Pokemon’s movement speed.
  • Dragon Pulse - Dragon Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3.
  • Dragon Dance - Dragon Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Perform. Effect: Increase the User’s Strength and Dexterity.
  • Fly - Flying Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Charge Move. While charging this move the User will be out of range, with the exception of the attacks Hurricane and Thunder.
  • Hyper Voice - Normal Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Sound Based.
  • Outrage - Dragon Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Random Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Strength+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+5. Effect: Rampage.
  • Hyper Beam - Normal Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+6. Effect: Must Recharge. Lethal. -1 Accuracy.
  • Roar - Normal Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Intimidate. Effect: Low Priority 6. In the wild the battle ends. In an official fight, the Pokemon switches out. If its the last or only Pokemon the move fails. Switcher Move.
  • Dragon Ascent - Flying Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Strength+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+5. Effect: Lethal. Reduce the user’s Defense and Sp. Defense.
  • Sky Drop - Flying Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+2. Effect: Charge Move. While charging this move the Target is flinched. Flying Type Pokemon are immune to the Damage of this move. Lifting a target is restricted by the Strength of the User.
  • Defog - Flying Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Nature. Effect: Remove all Barriers (ie. Light Screen, Reflect), Entry Hazards (Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, etc.), and Terrains (Misty Terrain, Electric Terrain, etc.) from the battlefield.
  • Tailwind - Flying Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Nature. Effect: For the Next 4 Rounds, Increase the Dexterity of the User and All Allies in the field by 2.
  • Rain Dance - Water Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: Rain Weather is activated for the next 4 Rounds.
  • Sunny Day - Fire Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: Sunny Weather is activated for the next 4 Rounds.
  • Dive - Water Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+2. Effect: Charge Move. While charging this move, the User will be out of range. Allows the Pokemon to swim into Deep Waters.
  • Dig - Ground Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Charge Move. While charging this move, the User will be out of range. Can be hit by Earthquake, Magnitude, or a similar move.
  • Draco Meteor - Dragon Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+6. Effect: Lethal. Reduce User’s Special by 2. -1 Accuracy.
  • Hurricane - Flying Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+5. Effect: Lethal. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Confuse the Foe. If Rain Weather in effect ignore this moves reduced accuracy. -2 Accuracy.
  • Cosmic Power - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: Increase the User’s Defense and Sp. Defense.