

A Normal Pokemon with a Nature nature at Rank rank. It’s Abilities are:

  • Adaptability Whenever this Pokemon uses a Damaging Move that matches its Type, add 1 Dice to the Damage pool of that attack.
  • Download When this Pokemon comes out it will scan its foes and provide information about them. It will then Increase 1 Point to either Strength or Special Attribute at Storyteller’s discretion
  • Analytic If this Pokemon has a lower initiative than its target, Add 1 Dice to all of its Damage Pools.


HP (5)InitEvade Phys ClashSpec Clash
7 2 2 2 3
Str Dex Vit Spec Ins
2/5 2/5 2/5 3/7 2/5
Tough CoolBeautyClever Cute
1 1 1 1 1




  • Tackle - Normal Type Physical Move learned at Starter. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+2.
  • Conversion - Normal Type Support Move learned at Starter. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Will+Channel. Effect: The user changes its type at random.
  • Conversion 2 - Normal Type Support Move learned at Beginner. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Will+Channel. Effect: After being dealt damage, choose a Type resistant to the Type of that attack. That’s the Type of the User until it uses this Move again.
  • Psybeam - Psychic Type Special Move learned at Beginner. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice to Confuse the foe.
  • Nasty Plot - Dark Type Support Move learned at Beginner. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Clever+Alert. Effect: Increase the user’s Special by 2.
  • Trick Room - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Amateur. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: Invert the order of Initiative. Lasts 4 Rounds.
  • Agility - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Amateur. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Athletic. Effect: Increase the User’s Dexterity by 2.
  • Recover - Normal Type Support Move learned at Amateur. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. May cure Lethal Damage.
  • Magnet Rise - Electric Type Support Move learned at Amateur. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Nature. Effect: For the Next 4 Rounds the User gains immunity against Ground Type Moves.
  • Signal Beam - Bug Type Special Move learned at Amateur. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice to Confuse the foe.
  • Embargo - Dark Type Support Move learned at Amateur. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Tough+Intimidate. Effect: The target cannot use its held item nor can its trainer use items on it.
  • Discharge - Electric Type Special Move learned at Amateur. Targets Area. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Paralyze those affected.
  • Lock-On - Normal Type Support Move learned at Amateur. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Alert. Effect: The next attack the user performs has 2 automatic unremovable successes on its Accuracy Roll.
  • Tri Attack - Normal Type Special Move learned at Amateur. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 2 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Freeze the Foe.
  • Magic Coat - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Ace. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: Priority 4. Redirect the effects of a Support Move that would affect the user or its side of the battlefield towards the foe’s (ie. The foe used Stealth Rock, with Magic Coat it will now affect the foe’s side instead of yours).
  • Zap Cannon - Electric Type Special Move learned at Ace. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+5. Effect: Lethal. Paralyze the Foe. -3 Accuracy.
  • Hyper Beam - Normal Type Special Move learned at Ace. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+6. Effect: Must Recharge. Lethal. -1 Accuracy.
  • Electroweb - Electric Type Special Move learned at Pro. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Reduce Dexterity of those affected.
  • Pain Split - Normal Type Support Move learned at Pro. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Will+Channel. Effect: The user gives its Pain Penalizations to the foe. User ignores Pain Penalization effects on itself. For cannot ignore them with Will but it can still ignore its own Pain Penalizations. HP on both remains the same.
  • Trick - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Pro. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Allure. Effect: The foe and the user swap Held Items.