

A Psychic/Ghost Pokemon with a Nature nature at Rank rank. It’s Abilities are:

  • Shadow Shield If this Pokemon was at full health, Reduce by 2 the damage dealt by an attack. This effect cannot be ignored by Moves or Abilities.


HP (7)InitEvade Phys ClashSpec Clash
12 6 6 6 7
Str Dex Vit Spec Ins
6/6 6/6 5/5 7/7 6/6
Tough CoolBeautyClever Cute
1 1 1 1 1




  • Moongeist Beam - Ghost Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+4. Effect: Lethal. If anything on the foe’s side would prevent this move from dealing damage (Pokemon Type, Abilities, Shield Moves, Weather or Barriers) ignore it. This Move cannot be Clashed.
  • Cosmic Power - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: Increase the User’s Defense and Sp. Defense.
  • Hypnosis - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Allure. Effect: Put the target to sleep. Dark-Type Pokemon are affected by this move. -4 Accuracy.
  • Teleport - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: In the wild, the battle ends. In official battles, it counts as the Pokemon being recalled. Teleportation distances depend on Special and Storyteller’s discretion.
  • Confusion - Psychic Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice to Confuse the foe.
  • Night Shade - Ghost Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Channel with a damage pool of +0. Effect: Roll Damage Dice according to the User’s Rank. 1 Dice at Starter Rank. 2 Dice at Beginner Rank. 3 dice at Amateur Rank. 4 Dice at Ace Rank. 5 Dice at Professional Rank. Ignores Defense.
  • Confuse Ray - Ghost Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Nature. Effect: Confuse the foe.
  • Air Slash - Flying Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe.
  • Shadow Ball - Ghost Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 1 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Sp. Defense.
  • Moonlight - Fairy Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Nature. Effect: Basic Heal. If successful spend 1 Will point to activate. If performed at Night or Sunny Weather is in effect this move becomes a Complete Heal. If Rain/Sandstorm Weather is in effect this move only heals 1 HP
  • Night Daze - Dark Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 4 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Accuracy.
  • Magic Coat - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: Priority 4. Redirect the effects of a Support Move that would affect the user or its side of the battlefield towards the foe’s (ie. The foe used Stealth Rock, with Magic Coat it will now affect the foe’s side instead of yours).
  • Moonblast - Fairy Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Special.
  • Dream Eater - Psychic Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+4. Effect: The user restores HP equal to half the damage dealt, rounded down. The target must be asleep, this move will fail otherwise.
  • Phantom Force - Ghost Type Physical Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Strength+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+3. Effect: Charge Move. While charging this Move, other Moves will not affect the user. If the Target made a Shielding Action the shield is destroyed and won’t have any effect.
  • Wide Guard - Rock Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User and Allies. It’s Accuracy dice are Vitality+Brawl. Effect: Priority 3. Shield. Reduce 3 Damage the User and Allies would receive from a damaging move. Reduce to zero the set damage from a move the User and Allies would take.
  • Hyper Beam - Normal Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel with a damage pool of Special+6. Effect: Must Recharge. Lethal. -1 Accuracy.
  • Tailwind - Flying Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Insight+Nature. Effect: For the Next 4 Rounds, Increase the Dexterity of the User and All Allies in the field by 2.
  • Icy Wind - Ice Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+2. Effect: Reduce Dexterity of those affected.
  • Spite - Ghost Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Will+Intimidate. Effect: Reduce Target’s Will to 1 point temporarily. Reset any effects it got from spending Will Points.
  • Heat Wave - Fire Type Special Move learned at Master. Targets All Foes. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+3. Effect: Target all foes in Range. Roll 1 Chance Dice to Burn those affected. -1 Accuracy.
  • Reflect - Psychic Type Support Move learned at Master. Targets User and Allies. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Channel. Effect: User and Allies will receive 1 less Damage from Physical Attacks. Lasts 4 Rounds.