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Game Pieces


Units are a single combatant that a player controls on the battlefield. Players will control a small group of Units (referred to in the rules as their Army) while playing.

Properties Description
HP All base units have an HP of 20. A unit that takes 20+ Damage is Routed, or removed from play.
Movement Unpromoted units have a movement of 4, and promoted units have a movement of 5 spaces. Some tags can increase or decrease these.
Inventory Units can carry up to 3 Items on them. Items are Weapons, Accessories, or Consumables that a Unit can start a battle with.
Class Each Unit has a single Class which provides it’s Ratings, it’s Weapon Proficiencies, and it’s Tags.
ProficienciesA list of the Weapon Types a Unit can use. A Unit cannot equip a weapon not on the list, or a weapon that is a Level higher than rating listed in brackets. Ratings with a + can be increased in the Roleplaying rules. This is provided by the Unit’s Class.
Tags Classes may provide a Unit with tags that given them unique mechanics, defined in the Tags section.

Ratings describe how good a Unit is at certain things. Ratings are on a letter scale, with E being the worst and A being the best. (Some tables with go above or below this scale, but no Class can provide a default higher or lower than these values.) There are 6 Ratings a Unit gets from their Class, detailed in this table:

Rating Description
Strength Strength represents the units physical strength. Strength contributes to Damage dealt by the Unit.
Magic Magic represents the Unit’s proficiency with the Arcane arts. Magic contributes to the Damage dealt by magical attacks made by the Unit. It also contributes to the range of some Staves.
Dexterity Dexterity represents a Unit’s combat talent. Dexterity is used to determine if a Unit hits with an attack. A Unit must roll less than equal to it’s Dexterity value to hit in combat.
Speed Speed represents a Unit’s swiftness in combat. Speed is used to determine which Unit gets to make a Follow Up attack and is reduced by the weight of the Unit’s Weapon/Accessories.
Defense Defense is a unit’s physical resistance. It reduces the amount of Martial Damage the unit takes.
ResistanceResistance is a units magical defense. It reduces the amount of Damage taken from Magic attacks.


Units can carry multiple types of item in their Inventory. Weapons allow a Unit to fight enemies or assist allied Units. Accessories are Items that provide a benefit to the Unit as long as the Unit carries them in their Inventory. Consumables are Items that can be used in some way for a limited number of times.

All Items share a Weight property. Weight ranges between -2 and 2, and decreases or increases the Speed rating of a Unit while using that weapon by that amount.


Weapons are required for Units to attack. A Unit may only equip one Weapon at a time, and will use it’s equipped weapon when attacking or being attacked. Weapons have the following attributes.

Property Description
Weapon TypeThe Type of the Weapon. Each Class can only use certain types of Weapon.
Damage TypeWeapons do either Martial or Magic damage when used. Which type determines which of the Target’s stats reduces the Damage taken from the weapon.
Might (Mt) Might is effectiveness of the weapon in combat. It is added to a Unit’s strength to calculate Damage.
Tags Weapons can provide a Unit with tags that give them unique mechanics, defined in the Tags section.
Range Weapons will list a range in number of spaces. Some weapons have fixed number, others have a range.



Setting Up

  • Currently, the game is setup on a Foundry Module.
  • Units and Items are available in the Compendium tab. Drag a Unit from the compendium onto the map to create a Unit of that type. Drag Items from the compendium onto the Unit’s character sheet to give that Unit the item.
  • A Scene should be created for the map the players will be using for the game. (If using maps from the Magvel Atlas, set the grid size to 70.)

Setting a Map and Scenario

The first thing to set up is the map that will serve as the battlefield. Players can create their own maps, or use their favorite maps from Fire Emblem games they’ve played. This wiki includes the Magvel Atlas, a list of maps from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. Included in the Atlas are images for maps sized for Tabletop Simulator (and Foundry), as well as links to any scenarios written for that map.

Next players must agree on the Scenario. A Scenario defines setup, victory, and loss conditions for the players as well as any special rules required for the battle. Many Scenarios will give special “Scenario Tags” to Units that they can use. The Writing Scenarios page includes basic scenarios to adapt to any map. The Magvel Atlas also includes prewritten Scenarios for some maps.

Scenario Defines
Map Requirements Areas on the battlefield that need to be labeled on the battlefield before play.
Army Requirements Unit requirements that must be met by one or more Armies involved in the battle
Victory ConditionsDifferent for the Attacking and Defending player in most scenarios, the Victory conditions determine how the players win.
Time Limits Most Scenarios have a Time Limit defined in Rounds after which the Scenario ends if other objectives have not been met.
War Chests Both the Attacker and Defender in a scenario will have a War Chest, an amount of Gold they use to build their Army with.
Deployment Zones The specific areas of the map the Attacker and Defender are allowed to deploy their units to at the start of the battle.

Buying an Army

After choosing a Scenario each player should have a War Chest amount defined for them. The players each will build their Armies so that the total cost of the Army does not exceed the War Chest. Armies are built in three phases: Hiring, Scouting, and Outfitting.

  • In the Hiring phase, each player builds their Army as they see fit, hiring Units in any Class the scenario allows for, equipping them with any Weapons and Items the scenario allows. 
  • In the Scouting phase, the players then share the Classes that they are bringing to battle with each other. Inventory is NOT shared, only the types of Classes. 
  • In the Outfitting phase each player may change the Inventory of their Units however they so choose. They may NOT change the Class of those Units, nor add or remove from the Classes they chose in the Hiring phase.


The Scenario chosen will determine where each player is allowed to deploy, or place their units at the start of the battle. The Scenario will also determine which player will deploy their units first.

The first player to deploy will place all of their Units into their Deployment Zone. Once that player had decided the starting locations of their Units, the other player will deploy their units to their Deployment Zone. The first player cannot move their Units after the second player begins deploying theirs.



Game play takes place in rounds. In a round, every unit on the map moves once. All units on a side are not activated at the same time. Players begin and activate one unit each that is under their control. Once they have moved those units, the GM will move three enemy units. This alternates until all units have moves and the round ends.

Combat Turns

When a Unit is activated, it begins a Combat Turn. On a Combat Turn, a Unit can:
- Move,
- use an Action,
- and take any number of Free Actions.


All Classes have a base movement of 4 spaces when unpromoted and 5 when promoted. The Fast(X) and Slow(X) tags increase and decrease this amount respectively. Movement is also affected by the Terrain of each space.

The Terrain Table shows how much of a unit’s movement is required to enter a space of that type. Units with certain tags (Armored, Cavalry, Flying) use their respective columns on the table, while all other units use the “Foot” column.

Tile types not listed cost 1 move to enter. These tiles include Plains, Sand, Buildings, Ruins, Floors, Stairs, Bridges, and Village Gates.

Terrain Table

Sea/Lake - - - - 1
River - 5 - - 1
Mountain +1 4 - - 1
Desert - 2 3 2 1
Forest +1 2 2 3 1
Pillars +1 2 2 3 1
Snag - - - - - Destroy & becomes Bridge, has 30 HP
Wall - - - - - Destroy & becomes Floor, has HP 30
Door - - - - - Becomes Floor with Master Key or Pick
Fort +1 2 2 2 1 Heal 2 End of Turn
Castle Gate+1 1 1 1 1 Heal 2 End of Turn
Throne +1 1 1 1 1 Heal 2 End of Turn
Ice - - - - -



A Unit can attack a Target if the Target is within the Range of the Unit’s equipped weapon. The attack process is as follows:

Hitting Targets
  • First, confirm the Target is in range of the Attacker’s Weapon.
    • Some Staves have a Range of “Mag”. In this case, the maximum range of the staff is determined by the Unit’s current Mag Rating. See the Staff Range table to check what Range that is.
  • Before the Attacker rolls to hit, they must check for any modifiers to their Ratings. When a Rating is modified, postive numbers increase the Rating (B->A) while Negative numbers decrease the Rating (B->C).
    • The Weight of the Defenders Weapon applied to their Speed Rating.
    • Tags on the Classes of either combatant or Tags on their Equipped weapons, such as the Inaccurate(X) tag. (Don’t forget to check for tags that deal with Critical hits, such as Lucky(X)!)
  • To hit a Target, the Attacker must roll on the To Hit Table. In a simple combat, the Attacker will cross reference their Skl with the Target’s Spd Rating to determine what number they must roll under on a d100 to hit.
    • A Critical Hit is scored when the result is 10 or less. This range is modified by Tags.
To Hit Table
Skl F E D C B A S
F60 50 4030201010
E 70 60 50 50 40 30 20
D 80 70 60 60 50 40 30
C 90 80 80 60 50 50 40
B 10090 80 70 60 50 40
A 100100 90 80 70 60 50

Italic Ratings are not standard for any Class: they can only be reached via Modifiers.

Staff Range
Range 1234456
Dealing Damage
  • Before Damage can be applied, the combatants must check for any modifiers to their Ratings. When a Rating is modified, postive numbers increase the Rating (B->A) while Negative numbers decrease the Rating (B->C).
    • The Terrain Table modifies the Defense and Resistance of a Unit
    • Tags on the Classes of either combatant or Tags on their Equipped weapons, such as the Inaccurate(X) tag.
  • The Attacker uses either Strength or Magic as their Attack Rating. Which is determined by the Damage Type of the Weapon they are using. (Physical Type uses Strength, Magic type uses Magic.)
  • The Target uses Def as their Defense Rating when the Attacker is using Strength, and Resistance when the Attacker is using Magic.
  • The amount of Damage dealt is found by cross referencing the Attack Rating of the Attacker by the Defense Rating of the Target on the Damage Table.
    • On a Critical hit, this value is tripled!
  • If the Target’s hit points are reduced to 0 after taking damage, the Target is Routed. An Routed unit is removed from the map and unable to return to the battle. Some victory conditions may require you to track how many Units have been routed on either side.
  • If the attacker had advantage from the The Weapon Triangle, the enemy unit will gain the Broken Status.
Damage Table
Atk/DefFE D C B A S
F 3211000
E 33 2 1 0 0 0
D 43 3 2 1 0 0
C 54 3 3 2 1 1
B 65 4 3 3 2 1
A 66 5 4 3 3 2
S 7765433

Italic Ratings are not standard for any Class: they can only be reached via Modifiers.

Counter Attack and Follow Up
  • If a Target is not routed at the end of the attack, the Target becomes the Attacker and gets to make a Counter Attack with it’s currently equipped Weapon. This follows the exact same procedure, simply with roles reversed.
  • After the Counter Attack, one of the two combatants may get to make a second attack, as a Follow Up. Follow Up attacks occur when one Unit’s Speed is 2 Ratings higher than the others. For example, A Unit with a Speed of B in combat with a second Unit that has a Speed of D will get to make a Follow Up attack. The Follow Up attack follows the same procedure as before.
    • Who started the combat is irrelevant to who gets to make a Follow Up attack!
    • If neither Unit is 2 Ratings higher than the other, neither Unit makes a Follow Up attack.
  • Special note: Staves cannot counter attack or follow up. Staves also do not need to roll to hit when targeting an allied unit, they always hit.
The Weapon Triangle

The Weapon triangle represents how certain weapon types have combat advantages or disadvantages when used against certain other weapon types. There is a triangle for melee weapons as well as types of magic.

When using an advantageous weapon against a Target, a Unit will deal one extra point of damage and their Dexterity is treated as one point higher. Likewise, when using a disadvantageous Weapon, the Unit deals one less point of damage and their Dexterity is treated as one point lower.

Weapon+1 Damage/Dexterity -1 Damage/Dexterity
SwordsAxes Lances
LancesSwords Axes
Axes Lances Swords
Arts Tomes, Daggers, Bows

When a unit attacks with advantage on the Weapon Triangle and deals damage, the Break Status Effect is applied to the target. They immediately lose their ability to counter attack in the current combat, and cannot counter attack in the next one they’re involved in.

The break status cures itself after a combat where the unit started broken or if the unit is activated to take a turn. A broken unit cannot be further broken, it must cure the status before it can be broken again.

Use a Special Action

Some tags give a Unit access to Special Actions, they can take on their turn. These actions don’t require an accuracy roll when the Target is an allied Unit. Find out more in Special Action Tags.

Free Actions

Free actions can be taken at anytime on a Unit’s turn.

  • Equip Change which Weapon or Accessory the unit has equipped from it’s Inventory.
  • Discard Remove an item from the Unit’s Inventory permanently. This item is lost for the rest of the battle.
  • Trade When a unit is adjacent to an allied unit, it can Trade any number of items between their Inventories. A Unit can only Trade with one Unit in a single Combat Turn.


Tags are keyword that represent features of a Class, Weapon, Accessory, or Consumable. These keywords can be referenced by other Tags, can provide the Unit with it special rules or other mechanical benefits. Tags on a Weapon or Accessory only apply while that Weapon or Accessory is equipped.

General Tags

Tag Description
AoE Hits all targets in range.
Armor This unit cannot be Broken.
Backup If an allied unit attacks a unit this unit could attack, that ally deals 1 extra damage.
Bonus(Rating+X) While wielded, increase Rating by X.
Brave Attack an additional time any time this Unit attacks. (This applies to both the Attack, and potential Follow Up.)
Built Reduce the Weight of any weapon this unit uses by 1. (Cannot go below -2.)
Canto After taking a non attack action, this unit can use the remainder of it’s move before ending it’s turn.
Cavalry This unit gains one additional space of movement.
Complex When using this weapon the unit will never get a Follow Up attack, even if it is faster.
Consumable(X) The item can be used X times before it is removed from the unit’s inventory for the rest of the battle.
Covert Double Terrain bonuses for this unit
Deadly(X) Unit scores a critical hit when their roll to Hit is less than 10+X. This effect stacks if a Class and Weapon both provide it.
Drain Recover HP equal to half of the damage dealt
Effective(tag) Attacks against units with the noted tag do 3 extra Damage.
Enchanted Attacks with this Weapon are considered Magic attacks rather than Martial.
Exclusive(Class) Can only be used by the tagged Class
Flying Unit ignores all Terrain Bonus and Penalties.
Heavy In combat, this unit may not follow up, and always goes last. If this unit hits, move the enemy back one space.
Inaccurate(X) When using this weapon, reduce the Unit’s Dexterity Rating by X
Inflict(Rating-X)Target unit has their Rating reduced by X on their next turn. This effect does not stack.
Inverted Reverse the Weapon Triangle when using this weapon.
Mystical This unit ignore terrain bonuses when attacking
Nimble(X) Reduce the crit range of enemies attacking this unit by X
Piercing Treat a Target’s Defense or Resistance as E when using this Weapon.
Qi Adept When this unit is at full health, it may choose to take the first attack made against an allied unit adjacent to it.
Slow(X) Unit can move X less spaces in a turn.
Status(Effect) On hit, apply the Effect tag to Target.

Special Action Tags

Special Action tags each give a Unit access to a Special Action they can use, as defined in Use a Special Action.

Tag Description
Dance Targets an adjacent allied unit that has already been activated this round. That unit can be activated again.
Entrap Move target enemy to an adjacent space.
Escape A unit that takes the escape action is removed from the board. This unit is not counted as Routed. This action can only be taken on predefined spaces.
Freeze Target cannot move on it’s next turn. It may take any other actions.
Heal(X) Heal the Target for X Damage.
Raze A unit Razing a tile turns the tile into a Ruins tile and removes all special effects of that tile. This action can only be taken on predefined spaces.
Rescue Move Target to a space adjacent to User.
Restore Remove any Status Effect tags from Unit.
Rewarp Move the user to an unoccupied space within range.
Seize A unit Seizing a tile ends the battle. This action can only be taken on predefined spaces.
Torch(X) Reveal X spaces around the User in Fog of War.
Vein(Terrain)Change the terrain of an unoccupied tile within range to the listed type for one round.
Warp Move target allied unit to an unoccupied space within range.

Scenario Tags

Scenario Tags are tags that should only be used if the scenario calls for them. These tags are often applied at the start of the game to a number of a Player’s Units and enable their Units to take a Special Action needed for the Scenario.

Tag Description
Fleeing This unit can take the Escape action on certain tiles.
Leader This unit can use the Seize action on specified tiles.
SaboteurThis Unit can use the Raze Action on specified tiles.

Status Effects

Certain Tags (such as Effect(Tag)) can temporarily bestow a Tag onto another Unit. These Status Effect tags are typically given in battle rather than found on a Unit at the start of the battle. Each includes a way that the Tag will be removed from the Unit.

Tag Description
Barrier Unit gains Bonus(Res+1) until end of next round.
Broken Unit cannot counter attack in the next combat it’s involved in. Activating the unit clears this effect.
PoisonedAll attacks against the Unit deal an additional 1 point of damage.
SilencedUnit cannot use Tomes or Staves. Effect lasts one activation of the unit.