• Unit A single combatant in a Player’s army.
    • Class Every Unit has a single class which defines their stats, what they can wield, and may give them some tags.
    • Inventory A Unit has 3 slots where it can place Items.
      • Weapons are Items that allow a Unit to attack, provide them bonuses while attacking, and may give the Unit tags while using that weapon.
      • Accessories are Items that provide a bonus or tags to a Unit when held in that Unit’s Inventory.
      • Consumables are Items that let a unit use an action or receive a benefit a certain number of times in a battle.
    • Unit Cost The cost to Hire a Unit, calculated as the Sum of the Class’s cost and the Sum of all Items in the unit’s Inventory.
  • Army A number of Units that the player has under their control.
    • War Chest The amount of Gold a player has to Hire Units to their Army.
    • Hire A Unit is added to an Army by hiring it, which requires paying the Unit’s Cost from that players War Chest.
  • Tag An ability that provides some benefit or determent to a Unit. Either provided with the Unit’s Class or Weapon.
    • Scenario Tags Certain tags give a unit the ability to use special actions that are tied to playing certain scenarios.
    • Status Effects Special tags that are given to a Unit by the Status special action.
  • Combat Round During each combat round, each player will Activate each of their Units once.
    • Combat Turn A Unit takes a Combat Turn when it is activated. A Combat Turn is a Movement and an Action taken by the Unit.
    • Terrain Some Terrain requires more than one point of movement to Enter, and some increases the Defense and Resistance of a Unit standing on it.
    • Damage A Unit’s damage with each Weapon it holds is equal to it’s Strength+Might. This is
    • Speed A Unit’s speed is calculated as it’s Speed minus it’s equipped weapon’s Weight.
    • Routed A unit that loses all it’s HP is Routed and removed from the battlefield.
    • Special Actions Certain tags give a Unit the ability to use Special actions on their turn.
  • Scenario A predefined set up on a map for players to use to play out a battle between their armies.
    • Deployment Zones Areas defined in a Scenario where each player places their units during Deployment.