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Terrain Table

Tile Terrain MoveDRAvoVein?Special
Mountain 2 +1-
Woods 2 - +1
Woods 2 - +1
Pillar 2 - +1
Thicket 2 - +1
Fog 2 - +1 Yes
Fort 2 +2+1 At start of turn on this tile, Heal(10)
Protection Tile1 +2+1 At start of turn on this tile, Heal(10)
Heal Tile 1 - - Yes At start of turn on this tile, Heal(10)
Gate/Door - - - Deal 15 Damage to destroy and make Floor, or use Pick.
Water 1 - -1 Yes
Stone Pillars 2 +2- Yes
Vines 2 - - Yes
Flames 1 - - Yes At start of turn on this tile, take 5 Damage Piercing.
Ice - - - Yes Deal 15 Damage to destroy

To Hit Table

Dex F E D C B A S
F60 50 4030201010
E 70 60 50 50 40 30 20
D 80 70 60 60 50 40 30
C 90 80 80 60 50 50 40
B 10090 80 70 60 50 40
A 100100 90 80 70 60 50

Damage Referemce

Base Damage 1234567
Damage Reduction0123456

Follow Up Reference

Rating FEDC B A S
Follows Up on:--FF, EF, E, DF, E, D, CF, E, D, C, B

Weapon Triangle

Weapon+1 Damage/Dexterity -1 Damage/Dexterity
SwordsAxes Lances
LancesSwords Axes
Axes Lances Swords
Arts Tomes, Daggers, Bows

Staff Range

Range 1234456