
Key Info
Government Type: Oligarchy
Capital City: Aralil
Primary Religion:Ascensionism
Hallmarks: Colleges of study, uniform streets, intelligent people, foggy days, good wine

Dwyr is located in the Northwest corner of Aeldun. It’s borders are defined in the majority by the twin Cahyrst mountains on the eastern side of the kingdom. In the south they extend through the Colme Woods before reaching the coast, In the north, Callora and Dwyr’s borders are defined as the line between the north Cahyrst mountain and the eastern corner of Aeldun’s spire, the peninsula that Dwyr’s capital Aralil resides on. Dwyr’s lands are by a vast majority coastal and mountain foothills, making for somewhat difficult terrain. Farmland is located where ever farming is even possible in the soil, mostly in the center of Aeldun’s Spire. Dwyr’s climate is temperate with colder winters more often than warm summers much like it’s neighbor Callora. Due to coastal and mountain conditions, Dwyr is frequently covered in large fog banks. This is a year round phenomenon and it’s earned the kingdom many nicknames over the years.

Dwyr was founded by a woman by the name of Cilia Lyne, who left the fledgling Eraia along with Helmann Sige and Rousek Bomir. Cilia’s split from Helmann and Rousek contained all those people who wanted no part of religion, after having it forced on them for so long by the Church of Light. The soon to be founders of Dwyr wandered the northeast, not settling down until Cilia finally approved of a place to call their new home. Finally the group discovered a ruin in the Arilyel Forest from the Era of the Gods, which Cilia took as their sign. Aralil was formed outside the forest and Dwyr was formed. The name Dwyr was taken from an estimated reading of a rune in the ruins, the only one Cilia could hope to approximate to a modern language.

Cilia was an extremely intelligent woman who spent many of her formative years building a theory that Lylalel was not some kind of goddess, simply a more evolved being than humanity. She endlessly explored the idea that if humanity could harness the same kind of magic that Lylalel did, they could ascend to the same level as Lylalel herself. After founding Dwyr Cilia had little time to research this theory, but her descendants published some of her notes for further study after her death. The study of this theory became incredibly popular by independent researchers and universities alike. The concept is now the closest thing modern Dwyrians can call a religion, as the believe of the theory spread like wildfire through the kingdom. It is more of a belief system than any kind of worship.

As the only non human sentient race in Aurii, laguz get some unusual attention in Dwyr. Early in Dwyr’s history, laguz who wandered into the kingdom tended to disappear, kidnapped and used in experiments or kept as pets. This was never sanctioned, but never outlawed either in early Dwyr, a shame point of the city to this day. As soon as Dwyr discovered that laguz were not freaks of nature but in fact an entire race living elsewhere on Aurii, laws were quickly passed ensuring equal rights to laguz. Most people, unaware of the original underhanded actions of some corrupt members of their society, took to this easily. Those who had committed those underhanded actions were not punished, only told to make sure word never escaped of what they had done. Dwyr’s government slowly suppressed the idea that there was ever a time before the equality laws, and were quite successful.

Cilia knew that a monarchy could lead to similar scenario she had lead her people from, a ruling power growing corrupt like she believed the Church of Light had. While her people turned to her without question, she insisted on setting up a ruling council, coined the Council of Elders. She appointed the original council herself, and set up legislation that the council will collectively select replacements when seats open on the council. This council rules Dwyr together, each council member bringing their opinion, experience, and intellect to better Dwyr as a whole. While over the years the Council has been slow to pick up on certain issues (typically societal issues), they have kept Dwyr running generally in the way Cilia imagined, fair and logically.

Every building in Dwyr was planned nearly a decade before it was built. Cilia, who grew up in an at the time overcrowded area of Lyall, set forth rules that every building and road should be thought out in advance to best use the space in the cities of the kingdom. The Council of Elders continues to follow those rules to this day. Buildings are uniform and stone, with cobble streets. The city is awash in grey and red stone, with wood shutters or even glass windows depending on the wealth of the owners. Many buildings are multistory in Dwyr, though they consist more of first and second level apartments than two story homes. There are parks spaced with in the city, and business districts are easy to find as they’re always close to the main road. Dwyr’s districts almost grid like in design and the placement of the streets make it easy to go from any district to another.

This attention to detail doesn’t come without downsides. Kingdom law limits what can be done to a given home, or will require a permit. Homeless and drifters are harassed or even arrested by city watch, removed from the city for violating whatever infraction can be applied. Starting a business requires an open space in a business district, as places of work and service must be contained in the appropriate district. Expansion of cities is slow, and occasionally things like new homes are put on the back burner for more interesting projects like expansions for the universities. The limitations can make some streets of Dwyr cities seem cookie cutter and lack individuality, which can be disorienting for new visitors.

Dwyr clothing tends to be muted and simplistic. Uniforms are common in Dwyr business so it’s often easy to identify what a person does by their attire. How common uniforms are also keeps the trade of more fanciful outfits down. Another benefit of the uniforms is they clearly indicate rank to those in the same profession. Council members can be recognized by their robes, scholars by the broaches they wear, and so on.

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Traits for Characters from the Nation

  • Focused
  • Educated
  • Aloof
  • Creative


Dwyr has a society that focuses on learning, and creates many skilled craftsmen. The lowest level careers in Dwyr tend to be involved in food production, such as hunting, fishing, or farming. Not much higher above that are people who work in service industries, such as tavern owners. The service industry isn’t very large in Dwyr, but the demand remains and as such tavern owners and chefs make a good wage due to the high influx of customers. A majority of the Dwyr people work as craftsmen, architects, engineers, scholars, mages, and artisans. Dwyr has multiple colleges between Laera and Aralil which train their citizens in a variety of arts. The colleges also work as a form of guild, handling contracts for work in the fields they teach. Colleges encourage their graduates to contribute new skills and lectures to the college as they continue to learn in their fields, occasionally even bringing the graduates in as professors.

Dwyr gives one day a week off to the entire country. While working is allowed on this day, it is a day meant for learning and growing. Most jobs (Those outside the service industry) in Dwyr give a second day off as well, along the same intention. These “academic days” are used for pleasure as well, when one is need of a break.

Dwyr has two large forests in their domain and hunting is controlled within them to keep from destroying the ecosystem. This means game meat is limited and typically more expensive in Dwyr than sea meat. Fishing is a large industry in in Dwyr, given Aralil and Laera are both situated on the banks of the Birkel Bay. Aralil keeps up some farmland to it’s north, but the cold fronts from the Bay and the rough northern soil make the area difficult to farm in. Hardy plants are able to grow, but not much else. Callora is the source of most fruit and vegetable imports to Dwyr.

One of the fruits that does well in the spire is grapes, and Dwyr has capitalized on that in producing wine. Dwyr wine is made with the care, forethought, and expertise people expect from the Dwyrian people and is acclaimed across Aurii. Competition between Eraian and Dwyr wine makers is common and there’s even a yearly joint event held either Estad or Anwood, depending on the year. This event is encouraged by both governments, as it fosters both peace between the Honoril Alliance nation and Eraia, and increases the quality of their wine.

Dwyrian children begin schooling young, typically at age 8. Fundamental schooling finishes at age 15, though very few students don’t continue on into a college. Colleges have the right to refuse acceptance to students, and some colleges even require the passing of a test to earn acceptance. (That said, these tests are mostly for basic aptitude and to weed out any who would prove too lazy to complete their education with the college.) Some of the colleges include The College of Architecture, College of Governance, College of History, College of Crafters (which caters to those studying engineering concept) and the largest of all the colleges, The College of Magic. The time a student will spend in a college varies depending on the field the student is training in, averaging around six years. Upon graduation, the college will help the graduate find work in the field. Further study can be done as well, many professions include different ranks among their peers that represent extended study.

In addition to the study of the past, the College of History maintains all the documentation for the Dwyr nation. Their graduates attend council meetings and diplomatic envoys as scribes, provide records of past rulings for the Council to review before making a judgement, keep running histories of national events and publications, and many other administrative tasks. Most of these records are publicly available. The college also attempts to keep a running history for other nations as well, to the best of their ability. In fact, the College of History has a secret, small department dedicated to acting as spies for the college in other nations.

The College of Magic is the largest college in the kingdom. It is based in Aralil, to the south of the city and controls access to the pre Age of Humanity ruins in the forest. The College of Magic has international acclaim due to being the first group to perform Anima magic in the Age of Humanity. This occurred during the Eraian Crusades and the College remains the foremost magical institution on Aurii. The College of Magic (with the support of the College of History) also is the foremost researcher into the language of the gods, making use of the ruins they’re situated so close to.

Dwyr culture has always encouraged the pursuit of knowledge and making use of that knowledge to evolve. Dwyr actively tries to integrate magic into every aspect of their culture. Mages assist farms by producing fresh water from thin air, blacksmiths make use of magical fire, and ritual spells are used in dozens of ways to support the day to day life of Dwyrians. Other colleges will contract out mages from the College of Magic in hopes of improving their own trades with magical techniques.

Criminals first have their crime checked against the Council’s prior rulings. For common crimes such as thief, the historical punishment is given to the criminal unless the guard or a Governance Official wishes to bring the case to a higher power. In such cases, the Council is required to make a ruling on this case. The Council hears the case of the criminal and victim before deciding on a victim. Once a case has been brought to the Council, the Council’s word is final. The case’s outcome will be logged by the College of History so any further similar situations may use the same ruling.


Unit Skill LevelSize
Infantry: 🔴⭕⭕⭕⭕
Cavalry: ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕
Magic Forces:🔴🔴🔴🔴⭕
Navy: 🔴🔴⭕⭕⭕

Dwyr has very little in the way of military power. Their town guards encompass the majority of their trained infantry, and using them as infantry would be a last resort. Dwyr has no cavalry to speak of, and the Navy is trained exclusively for protecting fishing vessels from pirates and nothing more. Dwyr’s primary military might doesn’t come from martial talents however, Dwyr has two assets that other nations do not; the Colleges of Magic and Tactics. The College of Magic is not focused on combat, but the skilled mages produced by the College are more than capable of casting combat magic. With training and martial protection via the other nations of the Alliance, these mages can make a dent into any fighting force.

The College of Tactics is a small College, with less than 100 graduates over time. Despite these, the founders and subsequent graduates are some of the best tactical minds Aurii has ever seen, and the strategies compiled by these greats produce excellent commanders. These commanders swear an oath of loyalty to the Dwyrian nation (though they may involve themselves in a war that does not involve Dwyr for either side) upon graduation.

Cities and Sites

  • Aralil: The capital city of Dwyr. The council resides here, as well as the Colleges of History, Governance, and Magic. The streets are in a grid pattern, making it very easy to navigate the city. Large gates occupy the north, west, and east of the city. The southern third of the city is dedicated to the College of Magic.
  • Ninica: A smaller town, build as a trade point more than anything else. Ninica’s interests are underrepresented compared to Laera’s in Aralil due to it’s lack of colleges. Still, the town is cozy and more rustic compared to the other Dwyr cities and populate for those looking for a peaceful existence. It’s hallmark is a large windmill clock tower that’s in the northwestern section of the town.
  • Laera: Laera is home to the fledgling College of Light, a new College created after enough knowledge of Light magic travelled outside of Eraia. The Laeran family still serves as leader of the local city council and is well respected in the city. Laera has a few other colleges as well, and is situated in a similar way to Aralil.

Foreign Relations

Dwyr frequently trades with Callora and Torshan, all being a part of the Honoril Alliance. Dwyr sees visitors from across Aurii for it’s colleges and many Dwyrians will bring their skills to other nations on trips. Dwyr will allow some travel from Eraia (typically scholars), though Ninica tends to shun Eraia travellers.

  • Wynne: Dwyrian’s see Wynnites as uneducated people. While Dwyrians remain polite and hospitable they don’t have much respect for Wynnites travelling and the stigma occasionally gives visitors trouble.
  • Callora: Callorian nobility are fools in the eyes of all Dwyrians. as they are more interested in parties and fashion than making something of themselves. Callorian lower class are generally treated no differently than Dwyr lower class.
  • Torshan: Torshonians are seen as loud, rambunctious people. While most of the Torshonians that make their way to Dwyr are of a calmer sort, the stereotype around their nation is solid and few can shake it.
  • Eraia: Eraians, due to their attack on Ninica during the Crusades, are on thin ice with Ninica. Aralil and Laera give Eraians lee way, having learned much from the nation’s own scholars. Scholars can generally visit Dwyr without too much trouble, though the typical Eraia will get the occasionally questioning glare.
  • Theanovene: Theanovene’s are fairly normal in Dwyr, many scholars of Theanovene coming to receive degrees before returning to Theanovene with that knowledge. They’re treated as if they were Dwyr citizens for the most part.

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