Ancestral Worship

Three Quick Facts




Places of Worship

Church of Ylthar

Three Quick Facts




Places of Worship


Three Quick Facts




Places of Worship

The Church of Light (Lylalel)

Three Quick Facts


Lylalel is portrayed as a woman in white, beautiful with golden hair and eyes as deep blue as sapphire. Her image adorns more buildings in the capital than not. Her worshippers wear white to be as pure as her image. It is believed she created the world, and that each man woman and child of Eraia are her children. She is the guardian of all who give her tribute. Her church is the only right in the world, any that would deny her words are servants of Lyarlel, her opposite. Where Lylalel is there is light, and all shadow in the world comes from her corrupt brother, Lyarlel. Lylalel is too kind, too pure to strike her brother down so she may spread her light to the world at large. Her children, the men and women of Eraia, take up this task for her.

The religion of Lylalel has written scripture which has been the scripture as long as anyone can remember. Only the clergy may see the scripture, to read it for masses. Other items of note in the church are the Light of Lyalalel, a snow white candle that is kept lit in every believers home and place of worship. As long as the light burns, Lyarlel’s evil will never touch the residents of the place. The church, in honor of deeds done in the nanme Lylalel, will bestow stain glass shards upon a family. These crests are placed in special mounts that shine the image on the nearby wall. These shards of Lylalel are a great honor to the family.

<!-- Some church tradition is only in the church, not the scripture. Lyarlel is an evil dragon. -->

Swearing an oath to God is a serious claim in Eraia. Those who do not complete that claim in Eraia are brought before the church decides on the weight of their transgression and what must be done to rectify it. It is possible that the claim is against another tenant of God. The person in question is then stuck between a rock and a hard place, no matter what they do the church will come for them.

When a clothed member of the clergy passes a citizen of Eraia, the citzen is expected to bow their head and step aside. Foreigners are at the least expected to step aside as well, which has caused trouble before. Most citizens will pull a foreigner aside as to not spark a conflict.

It’s a common wish for a faithful servant of Lylalel to give their last prayer to her before leaving the mortal plane to be by her side. It’s something often lost to soldiers, a sacrifice made while accepting the crusade of spreading her light to the world. They die alone on a battle field, and while Lylalel is surely to bless them for their service missing the chance to give that last prayer is a dying regret. Traditionally these last prayers are in Lylalel’s church, her home and soon to be the home the one praying.

It is heretical to speak of another God in Eraia. No crime, murder included, is ranked worse than slandering or promoting another God. If you aren’t attacked on the spot, you’ll be arrested and tried in the church.



Places of Worship

The Cult of Lyarlel

Three Quick Facts




Places of Worship

Worship of the Earth Mother

Three Quick Facts




Places of Worship