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The Uruian Encyclopedia

A collection of terms, groups, and notes about the game world.

  • Ferraris Family: One of the oldest noble houses of Regalia. Fionne is one of the youngest daughter of the family.
  • Markum's Merchants: weapons manufacturers, double M insignia for their logo.
  • Mythril: A material with magical properties. It naturally resists the effects of Orific Energy.
  • Orific Energy: The unearthly energy that fills the world on the other side of the gate. This energy is extremely dangerous to an unprotected mortal and can cause insanity, magical mutations, and other life threatening problems in a mere hour. Mythril shielding can protect a ship or transport from the effects.
  • Swallowtail Family: One of the oldest noble houses of Regalia. Beauregard Swallowtail is a member of the family.