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People of Uru


  • Genevieve Larue Leader of an organization dedicated to finding the Black Organs. Headmistress of the Regalian Academy.
  • Rico Roca Caption/Pirate/Pilot employed by Genevieve.
  • Quinn Soullace Soullace Family member working with Genevieve.
  • Faraday Scientist researching the Cetra Gates. Was injured in the attack on the Vegas City Ruins.
  • Humphrey The Captain who guided the party into the first Cetra Gate. Went missing in the Gate.
  • Zoldyk A top rank Seeker whose not working for Madame Fallz. Looks edgy, but a very nice guy. (Rank A)


  • Madame Falz Villain in charge of some kind of organization hunting the Black Organs by any means necessary. Likes to abuse men, use them as chairs, etc.
  • Hanzo bald and in all black, stickers that say “I'm a Ninja” “Ask my about my Ninja background”. Works for Madame Falz. (Rank C)
  • Pakel - rookie beastseeker, platycat named Stripes. Works for Madame Falz. (Rank C)
  • Professor Krempe A former professor at the Regalia Academy who now seems to work for Madame Falz.


  • Beregaurd Swallowtail - Lots of feathers, a single feather in the front of his head, A-rank Seeker, of the noble Swallowtail family of Regalia. Kind of a dick.
  • Davos - Dragonman, High ranking seeker and chef. (Rank A)


  • Valentina Barmaid and owner of Oliva, a dive bar / tavern in Western Olcressia. While Oliva attracts some of the worst people, it also attracts some of the best thanks to Valentina's beauty, cocktails, and the knowledge that Valentina will not allow any asshattery in her tavern.
  • Agresta Family - One of the leading Mafia Families that runs Olcressia. Has roots in the Holy Kingdom's religion, they wear white suits and seem to sponsor hospitals/orphanages.
    • Don Giacomo Agresta Leader of the Agresta. Mid 50s, swept back hair, older man. He offered access to a grimiore Fionne wanted from his library if she recovered it from the Mancini who he believes stole it.
    • ? Agresta A Steely faced woman who looks like she has some military training in a portrait next to Giacomo
    • ? Agresta A woman with a slightly off kilter expression in a portrait after Giacomo's.
    • ? Agresta A woman with an emotionless expression in a portrait after Giacomo's.
    • Luca Agresta Son of Giacomo. He studied in Regalia to be a physicker, met Fionne there. She asked him about Grimiores his family has and he suggested one could be Cetra related.
  • Mancini Family One of the leading Mafia Families that run Olcressia. Known for extortion and black market dealings.
    • Don Salvatore Mancini Leader of the Mancini.
    • Bruno Mancini A hulking Capo of the Mancini family. Very quick to jump into a fight.
  • Raneri Another Family that operates in Olcressia.