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People of Uru


  • Genevieve Larue Leader of an organization dedicated to finding the Black Organs. Headmistress of the Regalian Academy.
  • Rico Roca Caption/Pirate/Pilot employed by Genevieve.
  • Quinn Soullace Soullace Family member working with Genevieve.
  • Faraday Scientist researching the Cetra Gates. Was injured in the attack on the Vegas City Ruins.
  • Humphrey The Captain who guided the party into the first Cetra Gate. Went missing in the Gate.
  • Zoldyk A top rank Seeker whose not working for Madame Fallz. Looks edgy, but a very nice guy. (Rank A)


  • Madame Falz Villain in charge of some kind of organization hunting the Black Organs by any means necessary. Likes to abuse men, use them as chairs, etc.
  • Hanzo bald and in all black, stickers that say “I'm a Ninja” “Ask my about my Ninja background”. Works for Madame Falz. (Rank C)
  • Pakel - rookie beastseeker, platycat named Stripes. Works for Madame Falz. (Rank C)
  • Professor Krempe A former professor at the Regalia Academy who now seems to work for Madame Falz.


  • Beregaurd Swallowtail - Lots of feathers, a single feather in the front of his head, A-rank Seeker, of the noble Swallowtail family of Regalia. Kind of a dick.
  • Davos - Dragonman, High ranking seeker and chef. (Rank A)