Naomi Lo Bellick Lin Quinn

Classes: Elementalist; Loremaster; Gunslinger (some of these I might not take right away)
Age: 19
Origin: The Orm, Mountain Republic

Naomi grew up in the industrial mountain-cavern city of The Orm. From an early age, she loved the trains that form the backbone of the Mountain Republic, and memorized the whole rail network. She also developed a fondness for detective stories, and soon knew exactly what she wanted to be when she grew up: a Rail Warden, an officer of the transit police who keep the network secure from criminals, swindlers, and the rare roc attack.

But this all changed on her 16th birthday, when she discovered that she was a Legacy. She'd inherited the memories of a Regalian archivist, a serious old man named Quinn Quistoph. Quinn had spent most of his life in the halls of the Regalian Academy, learning and cataloguing the ways of elemental magic.

Naomi reported her status to the authorities and was promptly drafted to the Port Mallorma Legacy Institute. She spent her three-year term there writing Quinn's memoir, enduring interviews and loyalty tests, and gradually figuring out how to be an elementalist. (It's not simply enough to know this stuff in the abstract; like riding a bike, you need to figure out how to do it, even if you know the instructions.) She also practiced her pistolwork in preparation for a career with the Rail Wardens… but it became clear her life would go a different direction.

As she graduated from the Institute, the MR offered her an alternative: to be sent to Regalia to assist with their research into problems of pressing need. She didn't take long to accept -- Quinn's memories made it clear that the Academy had seen better days, and that this shining beacon of knowledge could use someone like her to secure its future.

Now she finds herself in Regalia, the place of most of her memories, to take on an exciting first job in her career…