Lost Gate

The world of Uru contains a number of portals spread across the land. The kingdoms of Uru rely on these portal for trade and travel, yet recently the portals are shrinking, shutting down, or otherwise failing. A party of adventurers sets out at the behest of the Regalian Academy to find any clues that can restore these ancient marvels of lost technology and prevent their lost from throwing the world into chaos.

  • Schedule: Biweekly Thursday's 8-11:30ish
  • VTT: Foundry as needed and google sheets.
  • Party Level: 21
  • House Rules:
  • Gain one level every session and one every GM switch/Arc change. Not using EXP.



Character Tracker

Fionne FerrarisNaomi Lo Bellick Lin QuinnDun DarachEvard Moreau
WillowlarkKrong1cent (has left the Party)Scruff (has left the Party)
Rico Din Cainfield113 (Bee) Jumm
Ham (has left the Party)PineJoJo

Character Affinities

Character Classes
Fionne Ferraris 1112........ Entropist, Spiritualist
Naomi Lo Bellick Lin Quinn 1113MPMP..MPMP.. Elementalist, Sharpshooter, Loremaster
Jumm 119IPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPTinkerer, Fury, Rogue
Bee (113) 1310..MP.HP.MP.Esper, Mutant, Sharpshooter


  • Thermocrystal - a heat source that can be produced by spending IP



Points of Interest

