Fionne Ferarris

Age: 18
Classes: Entropist, Spiritualist
Origin: Regalia

Fionne Ferarris was born to a noble family that has been prominent in Regalia since the very founding of the Regalian Academy. Growing up, her family put heavy pressure on her to excel in magic to carry on the family's legacy. They pushed her into competition with her siblings and cousins, leaving her feeling isolated. She struggled during this time, the endless rigorous lessons grating on her spirit and the lack of friendship and family bonds drained her. She didn't excel, indeed barely got by in the by the Academy's standards, let alone her families. This only encouraged the cycle as she reached her teens.

Fionne developed one interest of her own though, Time Magic. It was practical at first, the Accelerate spell giving her the ability to study more in a shorter amount of time, but soon the temporal plane's puzzles drew her interest. She, against the wishes of her father, took an Entropism specialization in the fall semester of her 15th year. There she met Professor Cidraxis, an Archmage from his near century of experience with magic.

Professor Cidraxis recognized what Fionne's parents and even Fionne herself hadn't realized about her struggles academically: she was too focused on book knowledge, rout study, and having Insight into all when really her charisma, creativity, and emotional connection the magic she casts is her strength. Cidraxis taught Fionne this slowly, and the two formed a fast bond. Cidraxis helped her to realize just how toxic her family's relationships were and supported her as she cut back from them. Living in the dorms and being almost entirely independent, she began working with Cidraxis on both her love for the Temporal magics, but also his pet project of the Portals.

Now after few years as one of Cidraxis's researcher interns, Fionne has truly come into her own. Her grades and overall ability with magic have skyrocketed with her new outlook in casting from her Willpower. She's picked up an interest in writing, both storytelling and reporting. She's determined to show that her new way of approaching life is just as good if not better than her family's. She's not in touch with most of her family now, but she has friends and fellows at the Academy she genuinely enjoys to be with.