
Endell is known as the “City of Trade”

Endell is comprised mostly of several guilds that all share a slice of the city. Within that no one guild holds enough power to sway another. Any attempts to disrupt the balance of power is swiftly dealt with.

The Traversal Guild does hold a spot here but not as an owner of a “Slice of the City”

Terrain Desert and Mountainous
Common Elements Rare Elements
Common Ancestries Human


Griffins, Goblins, Grappling Vines


Points of Interest

Tower to the Heavens - a hotel in Endell next to The Uru Journal office, red and gold lobby
Ruins of the City of Vega - Location of a portal and a Regalian Research site.

Notable People

Aida - Receptionist of the Seekers Guild


  • Carpenters' Guild
  • Farmers' Union
  • Fraternal Order of the Anvil
  • Gladiators' Guild
  • Guild of Bakers and Butchers
  • Guild of Street Sweepers and Dung Carters
  • Guild of Weavers
  • Jewelers' Guild
  • Order of Alchemists and Potion Makers
  • Poison Makers' Guild
  • The Sword and Shield
  • The Coin
  • The Uru Journal

International organizations

  • The Guild of Transportation
  • Seekers Guild - Aida runs the reception and provides jobs for Seekers.