Table of Contents

CORE RULES - Same as Questfellows

Classes (Replace Folk, absorb Traits and Abilities)

A Class is a set of common skills and trainings that a character has that help them as an adventurer. A Class provides a number of Skills to a character as well as number of Abilities. Classes are a baseline for a character but they can change their class by training. Some Classes can even promote into more advanced versions that provide more Skills and Abilities.

The classes are listed here: TwR Classes.

Expertise & Skills (Adjusted)

Expertise are broad categories of Skills that let Adventurers choose their Skills from. There are two tables of Expertise on the TwR Expertise page. Free Expertise can be used by anyone in any Class. Class Expertise must be given to the Adventurer by their Class. An Adventurer can choose any three Expertise they want from the Free Expertise and whatever Class Expertise they have available. Class Expertise are not automatically given to the Adventurer and are not required.

Adventurers select a single Skill in each Expertise they have. Skills give Advantage when an Adventurer does something related to that Skill. They then can select an additional Skill from any of the Free Expertise.

Skills and Expertise can be adjusted as part of progression.

Equipment (Adjusted)

General Equipment such as tents, saddles, rope, and what are referred to as Gear. When going on a Quest, an adventurer chooses three items they have available in the Guild’s supplies. They have two remaining slots for Gear that they can fill in mid adventure. This can be Gear they found, or they can say they had brought it from the Guild in a clutch moment.


A weapon is a specific type of Gear. All weapons have a Type and Damage stat, and some of them can have an Ability they provide to their wielder. Damage applies during combat, higher is better. The Weapon’s type applies to some Abilities.

Some Abilities you might find are Reaver weapons that reverse the weapon triangle, Slayer weapons that can do extra damage to certain types of enemies, Enchanted weapons that can be used to fire magic projectiles, and Killer weapon that are better at killing in a single shot.

An adventurer can carry up to two weapons without issue. If an adventurer wants to carry more than two weapons, each additional weapon takes up a spot in their Gear list.


Armor is a specific type of Gear that protects the wearer from attacks. It works the same as it does in Questfellows. Only one type of Armor can be used, and it counts against a Unit’s gear.

GUILD & ADVENTURERS - Same as Questfellows

PLAYING THE GAME - Same as Questfellows


Together we Ride adds grid based movement to Questfellows. Adventurers can move five spaces on a grid, as can enemies. Some Abilities (such as Mounted) can increase or decrease this number. Some terrain might be ruled as difficult terrain to cross, which will require two moves to enter.

Most weapons can be used when an Adventurer is next to an opponent. Some weapons can also be used at range, which lets you attack a target up to five spaces away. Bows in particular also cannot be used against an enemy next to your Adventurer.


There are two levels of Opponent: Minions, and Opponents. Opponents are created in the same vein as Questfellows. Minions are an added type of enemy to fill out battle maps.

Minions are simple soldiers. They only require a single successful action to be defeated. On their turn, they follow whatever orders they would have been given, usually to patrol, guard, or attack a target. If they take their turn and attack an Adventurer, their attack roll is a simple Luck Roll.

Weapon Triangle

When a weapon is effective against weapon held by a target in combat, the attacker gets advantage.

WeaponEffective Against
Axes Lances
Arts Tomes, Daggers, Bows