Table of Contents

Source: Fire Emblem Sacred Stones: Chapter 1

Storm the Castle (Seize)

You’re leading an attacking force to Rout an enemy of the Church who has holed up inside of their castle. Their forces have control of the surrounding area and the castle gate. You’ll need to take control of the gate in order to get to your target.
How would you proceed?

The Attacking army must Seize the tile with the castle gate in it using the a Unit they designate as the Leader of their army. Any Unit the Attacker brings into the battle can be designated as Leader. This must be done before Deployment.

Battle Preparations

Attacker’s War ChestTime LimitDefender’s War Chest
500 Gold Optional 700 Gold


Too Much Peril (Escape off Map)

Sometimes, fleeing is a better tactical option than making a last stand in a fortified position. Take for example this scenario, where your forces hold a castle ruin but must escape before a superior force Routs them.
How would you proceed?

The Defender begins at the castle in the west. They must have all of their Units escape to the south of the map before the Attacker’s force over takes them.

Battle Preparations

Attacker’s War ChestTime LimitDefender’s War Chest
500 Gold None 500 Gold
