{{ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/966006375480164372/1066841122632118382/Willowlark_FAQ_Banner.png?height=300 }} ====== Pokerole Server FAQ ====== * PLEASE SEARCH THROUGH THE FAQ BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION IN THE DISCORD. * If you don't see your question answered here, [[pokerole-server:server_faq|check the other sections]]. * If you have a suggestion for this list, see this page: [[:pokerole-server:server_faq_submission|Question Submission for the Pokerole FAQ]] ---- ---- ==== Which resource channel can I post my fakemon in? ==== * **Pokemon Variants can be posted in the [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/701899731663716382|pokemon-variants]] channel. These are any of the following:** * In short: Regional Variants/Mega Evolutions/Forms of Pokémon that do exist in canon * ie. Ice-Type Pikachu that is a Regional Variant of a Polar region * ie. Mega Meganium, a Mega Evolution for a Pokémon that does not have one in canon but it is still within the realm of possibility that it could exist * ie. Rotom Chainsaw form or South form for Gastrodon, Forms that do not exist but it adheres to the realm of possibility of an existing pokémon. * **Fakemon cannot be posted anywhere but [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/245675629515767809|comfey-general]]. If you'd like to know why, read the story of [[pokerole-server:server_faq_discord#why_fakemon_are_banned|Why Fakemon are Banned here]].** * We define Fakemon as a creature that does not exist in canon and there are no indications of it ever existing in canon at all * ie. A completely made up evolution line. * ie. A third evolution for Lucario, a Pokémon with only two evolutive stages * ie. An Evolution of a Regional Variant that isn't Canon (Mr. Rhyme is Canon, but a made up Evolution for the previously mentioned Ice-Type Pikachu would be a Fakemon) * ie. A Pokémon that is implied to have existed in canon but with no canon name, design or representation, like Kyurem's complete form or the complete parts of the Galar fossils, or Beta Pokémon are Thin Ice Not Fakemon per se and still allowed, but discretion must be applied. * **A Fakemon Server** separate to the official server exists for those who wish more detailed discussion. It is the [[https://discord.gg/dTqZ3VCevt|Team Cadmium]] Discord. * Any and all Pokerole-related fakemon things may be discussed and posted there. ==== How do I invite the Pokerole bot to my server? ==== * Check the pinned [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/828307843933274112/830228026876755998|message]] in the [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/828307843933274112|#bot-channel]]. ==== Where can I find separate PDFs of all of the different book sections? ==== * Check the pinned [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/701911003876819064/707045816220647434|message]] in the [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/701911003876819064|#announcements]] channel. ==== Can I post a non Pokerole game in Looking for Players? ==== * As long as it’s not PTU, ask for permission from a Mod and they’ll let you know if you can post in [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/245676871117701121|#looking-for-players]]. ==== What are the Resources & Homebrew Channels for? ==== * Each channel in this category is for different types of unofficial content generated by other players and GMs. The rule of thumb is only the content itself is to be posted in the channel relevant to it (IE, a custom character sheet in [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/641511676251865118|#sheets]]). * Any and all discussion of Resources in the channels takes place in [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/324413827632463872|homebrew-discussion]]! ==== Why Can’t I post my Content in the Resources & Homebrew channels? ==== * In order to keep people from accidentally starting conversation in Resource channels, only those with the Content Creator role can post into Resources & Homebrew channels (besides [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/324413827632463872|#homebrew-discussion]]). ==== How do I get the Storyteller/Looking For Game/Content Creator role? ==== * Read the Server Rules channel very carefully… ==== Why Fakemon Are Banned ==== Back when pokerole was in alpha stages we were experimenting with a lot of things, working on the balance and playtesting at the same time There were more devs back then, I was one of the play testers We've been playing for a couple of years already and the system was starting to get shape we played in this popular game store in Monterrey city when one of the devs/play testers said "You know what it's missing? ...Fakemon" Mikel and Ruben (Pokerole main devs) were pretty overwhelmed on the amount of work that had to be done for the pokedex and said: "don't you think it's a little too much?" "yeah, we already have to stat 493 Pokémon and who knows how many will come out in Black and white since it's 2010!" I'm paraphrasing... yet he tried to push the subject: "People want customization! Choosing from the same batch will get stale and boring!" Mikel said: "We are not ready, let's finish official pokemon first and then we'll see" Ruben said: "Yeah, besides they will add more and more pokemon over time, soon we'll have 890 in 10 years! or maybe more!" again, I'm paraphrasing But this guy was not having it: "C'mon guys! I have this awesome idea for some new region starters, this idea is soo original Nintendo will soon be stealing it! It's a Jalapeño Grass/Fire starter, a Dinosaur mixed with a Water boiler that's Water/Fire and another one Glee does not remember right now that's Water/Grass see? Super original!" He even showed us drawings Bad drawings it was awkward and then Mikel said: Yeah....I don't think we are adding those... and that's when hell broke loose We were in a public place, many people were in there and suddenly started staring as this guy started throwing a fit "How dare you?!" "This project is shit anyways!" "You always do this!" "Fakemon are the future!" "without Fakemon Pokerole will go down the drain!" "At least we should make a chapter on how to create them!" and that's when both mikel and Ruben said: "You know what? we were going to add that chapter, but now we won't...ever" i was like: 😮 and then there was silence and this guy stormed off afterwards the blood pact was signed among the remaining members of the dev team No Fakemon on pokerole ever