====== Pokerole Build Book ====== A place to post up premade Pokemon sheets for other GMs to use in their own campaigns. The table below has four columns: * **Pokemon** - The species of pokemon _with two square brackets surrounding them!_. The square brackets make it into a link to a page for that Pokemon. All builds for a given Pokemon will go on the same page under different headings, for simplicity's sake. * **EX:** %%[[Bulbasaur]]%%, %%[[Galarian Meowth]]%%. * **Author** - The author of this sheet. Discord handles are generally easiest. * **Rank** - the rank of the Pokemon you've added. This is very important as a GM will often need to find a specific rank to match their player's current rank. * **Version** - The version of Pokerole this sheet represents. Most like candidates are "**2.0**" or "**2.1**". If your sheet doesn't follow the core rules (for example, the Pokemon has moves it can't normally learn), put "**HB**" after the version number. * **EX:** %%"2.0"%%, %%"2.1 HB"%%. * **Notes** - anything you might want to tell someone scrolling through the list about the pokemon. Try to keep this short: you can always add more detail to the entry itself, this is for quick reference. --- Once you've added your row to the table, you'll have a link to the Pokemon's page in the Pokemon column. If it doesn't exist yet, you'll be creating a new page; if the page does exist, you'll add a new heading to the bottom and add your content there. Templates for every Pokemon can be found on this page: [[pokerole-server:build-book:template-list|Pokemon Statblock Templates]]. ====== Pokemon Sheets ====== ^ Pokemon ^ Author ^ Rank ^ Version ^ Notes ^ | [[Litten]] | Willowlark | Beginner | 2.0 | Example Entry |