#unovawildwest/pokemon ====== Magmortar (M) ====== **Rank:** Ace **Nature:** Sassy (7) **Type** Fire **Ability** Flame Body **Total HP** 9 ^**Str**^⬤⬤⬤⦿ΟΟ (4/6) ^**Tough** ^⬤⬤ΟΟΟ^ |**Dex**|⬤⬤⦿ΟΟ (3/5) |**Cool** |⬤⬤⬤ΟΟ| |**Vit**|⬤⬤⦿⦿ (4/4) |**Beauty**|⬤⬤ΟΟΟ| |**Spe**|⬤⬤⬤⦿⦿ΟΟ (5/7)|**Clever**|⬤⬤⬤ΟΟ| |**Ins**|⬤⬤⬤ΟΟΟ (3/6) |**Cute** |⬤ΟΟΟΟ| ^**Brawl** ^4^**Channel** ^3^**Clash** ^0^**Evasion**^0^ |**Alert** |2|**Athletic** |0|**Nature** |4|**Stealth**|0| |**Allure**|1|**Etiquette**|0|**Intimidate**|0|**Perform**|0| **Flame Body** When hit by a Non-Ranged Physical Attack, this Pokémon rolls 3 Chance Dice to burn the foe. This Pokémon can willingly ignite its body on fire, receiving no harm from it. Objects that come into contact with this Pokémon may catch fire. ===== Moves ===== ==== Confuse Ray ==== The user flashes a sinister ray of bright light that leaves the target disoriented and confused. **Type** Ghost – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** INSIGHT + NATURE = (7) **Effect** Confuse the foe. ==== Feint Attack ==== The Pokémon approaches the foe disarmingly then attacks suddenly without giving any time to react. **Type** Dark – Physical **Target** Foe – **Power** 2 **Dmg Dice** STRENGTH + 2 = 6 **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (7) **Effect** Never Fail. ==== Sunny Day ==== The Pokemon will raise the temperature along with the sun, it doesn’t work at night, indoors, underground, or underwater. **Type** Fire – Support **Target** Battlefield – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** SPECIAL + NATURE = (9) **Effect** Sunny Weather is activated for the next 4 Rounds. ==== Lava Plume ==== The user shoots up bits of molten lava that fall scattered around the field. **Type** Fire – Special **Target** Area – **Power** 3 **Dmg Dice** SPECIAL + 3 = 8 (+1 STAB) **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + CHANNEL = (6) **Effect** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Burn those affected. ==== Smokescreen ==== The user convers its foe with a cloud of smoke. Some Pokemon hide inside this screen while others use it as a cover to escape. **Type** Normal – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** SPECIAL + CHANNEL = (8) **Effect** Reduce the foe’s Accuracy.