#unovawildwest/pokemon ====== Electivire (M) ====== **Rank:** Ace **Nature:** Bold (9) **Type** Electric **Ability** Motor Drive **Total HP** 8 ^**Str**^⬤⬤⬤ΟΟΟΟ (3/7)^**Tough** ^⬤⬤⬤⬤Ο^ |**Dex**|⬤⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (5/6) |**Cool** |⬤⬤ΟΟΟ| |**Vit**|⬤⬤⦿Ο (3/4) |**Beauty**|⬤⬤ΟΟΟ| |**Spe**|⬤⬤⬤⦿ΟΟ (4/6) |**Clever**|⬤⬤ΟΟΟ| |**Ins**|⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (4/5) |**Cute** |⬤ΟΟΟΟ| ^**Brawl** ^3^**Channel** ^3^**Clash** ^0^**Evasion**^1^ |**Alert** |2|**Athletic** |0|**Nature** |1|**Stealth**|1| |**Allure**|0|**Etiquette**|0|**Intimidate**|1|**Perform**|2| **Motor Drive** The first time this Pokémon is hit by an Electric-type move, Increase 1 Point to its Dexterity Attribute. This Pokémon doesn’t receive damage from Electrictype moves. This Pokémon absorbs electricity and stores it as energy to run faster. ===== Moves ===== ==== Thunder Shock ==== A small electric attack that shocks the foe and may leave it with muscular cramps. Some electric devices hit by this attack will malfunction. **Type** Electric – Special **Target** Foe – **Power** 2 **Dmg Dice** SPECIAL + 2 = 6 (+1 STAB) **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + CHANNEL = (8) **Effect** Roll 1 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe. ==== Fire Punch ==== The User can ignite its fists for a brief moment without any danger of getting burned. The foe may not be so lucky. **Type** Fire – Physical **Target** Foe – **Power** 3 **Dmg Dice** STRENGTH + 3 = 6 **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (8) **Effect** Fist Based. Roll 1 Chance Dice to apply Burn 2 to the foe. ==== Screech ==== The user disrupts the fighting stance of its foe by sending a sharp sound to the foe’s ears. **Type** Normal – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** TOUGH + PERFORM = (6) **Effect** Reduce the foe’s Defense by 2. Sound Based. ==== Ion Deluge ==== The user amplifies all electrically charged particles in the environment. The results are shocking! **Type** Electric – Support **Target** Battlefield – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** INSIGHT + NATURE = (5) **Effect** For the rest of the Scene, Normal Type Moves will deal damage as if they were Electric Type Moves. ==== Low Kick ==== The user kicks the target making it fall, the bigger the foe the harder the fall. **Type** Fighting – Physical **Target** Foe – **Power** 1 **Dmg Dice** STRENGTH + 1 = 4 **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (8) **Effect** Add 1 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool for every 50 kgs. of weight on the foe. Up to +4 Extra Dice may be added this way. ==== Electro Ball ==== The Pokemon creates a small electricity orb that is hurled at the target. If the user is faster, the impact will be bigger. **Type** Electric – Special **Target** Foe – **Power** 2 **Dmg Dice** STRENGTH + 2 = 5 (+1 STAB) **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + CHANNEL = (8) **Effect** The user adds 1 Dice to the Damage Pool for every Dexterity point the User has that surpasses the foe’s. Up to 4 Dice may be added.