====== Gengar (M) ====== **Rank:** Ace **Nature:** Sassy (7) **Type** Ghost/Poison **Ability** Cursed Body **Total HP** 7 ^**Str**^⬤⬤⦿Ο (3/4) ^**Tough** ^⬤⬤ΟΟΟ^ |**Dex**|⬤⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (5/6) |**Cool** |⬤⬤⬤⬤Ο| |**Vit**|⬤⬤ΟΟ (2/4) |**Beauty**|⬤ΟΟΟΟ| |**Spe**|⬤⬤⬤⦿ΟΟΟ (4/7)|**Clever**|⬤⬤ΟΟΟ| |**Ins**|⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (4/5) |**Cute** |⬤⬤ΟΟΟ| ^**Brawl** ^2^**Channel** ^3^**Clash** ^1^**Evasion**^1^ |**Alert** |0|**Athletic** |1|**Nature** |1|**Stealth**|0| |**Allure**|4|**Etiquette**|1|**Intimidate**|0|**Perform**|0| **Cursed Body** Whenever this Pokémon is dealt damage with a Move, Roll 3 Chance Dice to disable that move. More than one Move may be disabled this way. This Pokémon carries a curse within itself. Crossing this Pokémon is nota good idea. ===== Moves ===== **Shadow Break** Physical; Dexterity+Brawl; One Foe; Str+3; Lethal **Shadow Mist** Support; Special+Channel; All Foes, remove 2 successes from Evasion checks ==== Nightmare ==== The user enters the target’s dream to torment it. **Type** Ghost – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** WILL + CHANNEL = (3) **Effect** Will only work if the Target is asleep. Deal 1 Damage to the foe. Deal 1 Damage again at the beginning of each Round if the target is still asleep. ==== Curse ==== The user mutters words that become an evil incantation, the curse may only be lifted by a medium or through divine intervention. **Type** Ghost – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** WILL + CHANNEL = (3) **Effect** Roll half the user’s HP as damage dice to itself, ignoring Defenses. The target will remove 1 success from all their rolls until the Curse is lifted. ==== Dark Pulse ==== The Pokémon sends a wave of dark feelings that affect those who are most vulnerable, hurting the foe and leaving it unable to act. **Type** Dark – Special **Target** Random Foe – **Power** 3 **Dmg Dice** SPECIAL + 3 = 7 **Acc Dice** INSIGHT + CHANNEL = (7) **Effect** Targets random foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. ==== Hypnosis ==== Employ a hypnotic suggestion to make the target feel drowsy and fall into a deep slumber. Works better on a target that is not in danger. **Type** Psychic – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** INSIGHT + ALLURE = (8 - 4 Successes) **Effect** Put the target to sleep. Dark-Type Pokémon are affected by this move. -4 Accuracy. ==== Payback ==== The Pokémon tackles the target with hatred and vengeance. **Type** Dark – Physical **Target** Foe – **Power** 2 **Dmg Dice** STRENGTH + 2 = 5 **Acc Dice** DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (7) **Effect** Add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool if the target already damaged you this Round. ==== Confuse Ray ==== The user flashes a sinister ray of bright light that leaves the target disoriented and confused. **Type** Ghost – Support **Target** Foe – **Power** 0 **Dmg Dice** None **Acc Dice** INSIGHT + NATURE = (5) **Effect** Confuse the foe.