====== Types ====== {{obsidian:media:root:Pasted image 20210818192148.png?nolink&600|}} ====== Skills ====== ^Strength^Dexterity^Vitality^Special^Insight^ ^Fight ^Survival ^Social ^Knowledge ^Pokemon ^ |**Brawl** |**Alert** |**Empathy** |**Crafts** |**Channel**| |**Evasion**|**Athletic**|**Etiquette** |**Lore** |**Clash** | |**Throw** |**Nature** |**Intimidate**|**Medicine**| | |**Weapons**|**Stealth** |**Perform** |**Science** | | ^Tough^Cool^Clever^Beauty^Cute^ ====== Will Points ====== **Spend** - 1 to ignore one Pain Penalty for the rest of the Scene - 1 to reroll one failure from each roll for the rest of the round **Recovery** - Rest for a few days - feel accomplished by having achieved something great - follow their nature - get them as a reward for good role-play. ====== Combat ====== **Pre Combat** * Everyone rolls Initiative! ''%%1d6+Dex+Alert%%'' * GM Declares any Weather Effects in Play * Choose Abilities ===== Combat Loop ===== - Round Starts - //Pokemon using Priority Moves jump to top of Initiative, Order Multiple Pokemon via Move Priority Number, then Dex.// - Each Pokemon takes a Turn or Passes in Initiative Order - Repeat until all Pokemon Pass - Trainer Actions - Search for Cover ''%%Insight+Alert%%'' - Enter the Fray, //cannot give Orders to Pokemon// - Run Away ''%%Dex+Athletic%%'' vs Foe’s ''%%Dex+Athletic%%'' - Repeat from 2 until Combat Ends ===== A Pokemon’s Turn ===== - Choose a Move to use //that you have not used this Round!// - If the move is “All Foes in Range” or “User and Allies in Range”, select up to the [[PokeRole Cheat Sheet#Max Targets in Range by Rank|max number of targets]] allowed for your rank. - Make an Accuracy Roll ''%%See Move for Dice Pool%%'' - Apply [[PokeRole Cheat Sheet#Pain Penalty All rolls EXCEPT ones with VIT or Will|Pain Penalty]] - Apply Other Modifiers - Number of Successes Required met: **Attack Hits!** - Three or more successes than needed? **Critical Hit, add 2d6 to Damage!** - Target can Evade or Clash the attack //if the attack doesn’t use a social attribute!// * Evade - Roll ''%%Dex+Evade%%'' - Apply [[PokeRole Cheat Sheet#Pain Penalty All rolls EXCEPT ones with VIT or Will|Pain Penalty]] - Equal to or Greater than Accuracy Roll: **Attack Evaded, no Damage, End of Turn** * Clash //Cannot clash a Support Move!// - Chose a Damaging Move to use to clash with. //This counts as using the move for the Round!// - Roll ''%%Clash+Strength%%'' if attacker used a Physical Move, ''%%Clash+Special%%'' if they used a Special move. - Apply [[PokeRole Cheat Sheet#Pain Penalty All rolls EXCEPT ones with VIT or Will|Pain Penalty]] - Equal to or Greater than Accuracy Roll: **Attack Clashed, Each take One Damage, End of Turn.** - Roll Damage - ''%%See Move for base Dice Pool%%'' - Add STAB, ''%%1d6%%'' if Move is same type at User. - Add Critical Hit bonus Damage if Applicable - //Subtract// Target’s ''%%Def/SpDef%%'' from dice pool - Apply any other Modifiers - Apply Damage - If Target’s type is immune to move’s type: **No Damage, end of Turn!** - If Target’s type resists move’s type & No Successes on Roll: **No Damage, end of Turn!** - No Successes on Damage roll: **1 Damage, end of Turn!** - If Target’s type resists move’s type: **-1 from Damage for each resistant type!** - If Target’s type is weak to move’s type: **+1 Damage for each weak type!** - Then: **Deal # of Successes as Damage, End of Turn!** ==== Max Targets in Range by Rank ==== ^Rank ^Targets^ |Starter |2 | |Beginner |2 | |Amateur |3 | |Ace |5 | |Professional+|6 | ==== Successes Required ==== ^Action # in Round^Required Successes^ |1 |1 | |2 |2 | |3 |3 | |4 |4 | |5 |5 | ==== Pain Penalty (All rolls EXCEPT ones with VIT or Will) ==== ^HP ^Reduce Successes by^ |Full |0 | |>=Half|1 | |1 HP |2 | ====== Dynamax ====== While a Pokémon is in Dynamax form it will obtain the following benefits: ^Dynamax ^Gigantamax ^ |Base Hp + 6 |Base Hp + 12 | |Use Max Moves|Use G-Max Moves| * Dynamax/Gigantamax lasts 3 Rounds * Dynamax/Gigantamax Pokémon are immune to: * Flinch * Moves based on weight * OHKO Moves * Destiny Bond * Being removed from combat * having ther Ability Changed or Removed. * Other Pokémon cannot transform into them * Max and G-Max Moves cannot be copied. ====== Status ====== ^Status ^Effect ^Resist ^Duration ^ |Burn 1 |1 Damage end/round |''%%Dex+Athletic%%'' as action: 4 Cumulative Successes, Cured |End of Scene | |Burn 2 |2 Damage end/round (Lethal if Attack was) |''%%Dex+Athletic%%'' as action: 4 Cumulative Successes, Cured |End of Scene | |Burn 3 |3 Damage end/round (Lethal if Attack was) |''%%Dex+Athletic%%'' as action: 4 Cumulative Successes, Cured |End of Scene | |Paralysis |-2 Dex, moves 1/2 speed |N/A |24 Hours | |Frozen |No Actions |Use Moves against Ice(HP 5, Def 2), Super Effective Moves break instantly |Until ice melts, Pokemon Faints | |Poison |1 Damage end/round |Subject remains immobile: Damage per hour instead |Until Faint & wake up 8 hours later| |Badly Poisoned|Like Poison, but +1 Damage each Round |Subject remains immobile: Damage per hour instead |Until Faint & wake up 8 hours later| |Sleep |No Actions |''%%Insight%%''/action: 5 Cumulative Successes, wakes up. |5 Minutes | |Confused |-1 Success from Actions, Failed Action: 1 Damage|''%%Insight%%'' @ round start, 2+ successes ignore this effect for the round|5 Rounds or Switched Out | |Disabled |Cannot used Disabled Move |N/A |5 Rounds to Scene | |Flinched |Lose Next Action |N/A |1 Action | |In Love |1/2 Damage against Foe and foe’s allies |''%%Insight%%'' @ round start, 2+ successes ignore this effect for the round|1 Scene or Switched Out | ====== Weather ====== * **Sunny ** * +1 to Fire Move Power * -1 Damage from Water Moves * Cannot be Frozen * **Harsh Sun** * +1 to Fire Move Power * Water Type Moves cannot be used * +2d6 to Chance rolls for Burn Status * Cannot be Frozen * Sunny/Rain/Sandstorm/Hail Weather effects fail * **Rain** * +1 to Water Move Power * -1 Damage from Fire Moves * Only 1 Success required to Cure Burn Status * Moves that Complete Heal in Sunny Weather only restore 1 HP * **Typhoon** * +1 to Water Move Power * Fire Type Moves cannot be Used * Cannot be Burned * Moves that Complete Heal in Sunny Weather restore no HP * Sunny/Rain/Sandstorm/Hail Weather effects fail * **Sandstorm** * 1 Damage to Non Rock, Ground, or Steel Types at end of Round * +1 Special Defense to Rock types * Moves that Complete Heal in Sunny Weather only restore 1 HP * **Strong Winds** * +1 to Flying Type Move Damage * Electric, Ice, and Rock types moves are Neutral to Flying Types * Entry Hazards (Spikes) & Barriers (Light Screen) & Block Moves Fail * Sunny/Rain/Sandstorm/Hail Weather effects fail * **Hail** * 1 Damage to Non Ice Types at end of round * +1 Defense to Ice Types in the field * Moves that Complete Heal in Sunny Weather only restore 1 HP * **Fog** * -1 Success from Accuracy * **Muddy** * Mobility reduced to 1/2 * Cannot get out of range * **On Fire!** * 3 Chance Dice to Burn Pokemon at end of Round * **Electric Poles** * +1 to Electric Move Power * Pokemon don’t need to Recharge. ====== Catching ====== Catch rolls are: ''%%Seal Potency%%'' + ''%%Bonus Successes%%'' {{obsidian:media:root:Pasted image 20211020210141.png?nolink&600|}} {{obsidian:media:root:Pasted image 20211020210205.png?nolink&600|}} {{obsidian:media:root:Pasted image 20211020210218.png?nolink&600|}} ====== Training ====== Training rolls are ''%% + Lore%%''. **Rank Up** {{obsidian:media:root:Pasted image 20211020205852.png?nolink&600|}} **Retrain** 3 Successes to: * Redistribute all Attributes and Social Attributes awarded by Rank.\\ * Redistribute all Skill Points awarded by Rank. Assign all Skill Points from a Rank, before assigning all Skill Points from the next Rank. * Pokémon may forget Moves and learn new Moves from available Ranks. //Forgotten Moves exclusive to previous Evolutions are lost forever.// ====== Crit stats ====== https:%%//%%anydice.com/program/28362