#PokeroleSRD/Statblock ====== Tyranitar ====== A **Rock/Dark** Pokemon with a **Nature** nature at **Rank** rank. It’s **Abilities** are: * **Sand Stream** When this Pokemon comes out, it automatically starts the effects of Sandstorm Weather. The effects end when the Pokemon leaves the battle. (In case of stalemate the Pokemon with higher Will, might keep the dominant weather) * **Unnerve** Opponents may not consume their held berry while this Pokemon is in the field. ===== Stats ===== ^**HP (6)**^**Init**^**Evade** ^**Phys Clash**^**Spec Clash**^ |9 |2 |2 |3 |3 | |**Str** |**Dex** |**Vit** |**Spec** |**Ins** | |3/7 |2/5 |3/6 |3/6 |3/6 | |**Tough** |**Cool**|**Beauty**|**Clever** |**Cute** | |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | ===== Skills ===== ^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^ | | | | | | | | | ===== Moves ===== * ☐ **Bite** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. * ☐ **Tackle** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. * ☐ **Leer** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //All Foes//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Intimidate//. **Effect:** Reduce the Defense of those affected. * ☐ **Screech** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Beginner//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Perform//. **Effect:** Reduce the foe’s Defense by 2. Sound Based. * ☐ **Sandstorm** - //Rock Type// Support Move learned at //Beginner//. Targets //Battlefield//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Nature//. **Effect:** Sandstorm Weather is activated for the next 4 Rounds. * ☐ **Fire Fang** - //Fire Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Roll 2 Chance to Flinch the Foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Thunder Fang** - //Electric Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Paralyze the foe. * ☐ **Ice Fang** - //Ice Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Freeze the foe. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Chip Away** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. **Effect:** This attack ignores Defense and Evasion modifiers on the foe. * ☐ **Rock Slide** - //Rock Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //All Foes//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. **Effect:** Ranged. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch those affected. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Scary Face** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Intimidate//. **Effect:** Reduce the foe’s Dexterity by 2. * ☐ **Thrash** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Random Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Strength+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+5//. **Effect:** Rampage. * ☐ **Dark Pulse** - //Dark Type// Special Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Random Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Insight+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+3//. **Effect:** Targets random foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. * ☐ **Payback** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool if the target already damaged you this Round. * ☐ **Crunch** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. **Effect:** Lethal. Roll 1 Chance Dice to reduce foe’s Defense. * ☐ **Earthquake** - //Ground Type// Physical Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Area//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+4//. **Effect:** Area Attack. Ranged. * ☐ **Stone Edge** - //Rock Type// Physical Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Strength+Channel// with a damage pool of //Strength+4//. **Effect:** Ranged. High Critical. Lethal. -2 Accuracy. * ☐ **Hyper Beam** - //Normal Type// Special Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+6//. **Effect:** Must Recharge. Lethal. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Giga Impact** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Strength+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+6//. **Effect:** Must Recharge. Lethal. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Dragon Dance** - //Dragon Type// Support Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Perform//. **Effect:** Increase the User’s Strength and Dexterity. * ☐ **Outrage** - //Dragon Type// Physical Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //Random Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Strength+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+5//. **Effect:** Rampage. * ☐ **Superpower** - //Fighting Type// Physical Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Strength+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+5//. **Effect:** Lethal. Reduce User’s Strength and Defense.