#PokeroleSRD/Statblock ====== Huntail ====== A **Water** Pokemon with a **Nature** nature at **Rank** rank. It’s **Abilities** are: * **Swift Swim** If Rain Weather is in effect, Increase 2 Points to this Pokemon’s Dexterity Attribute. * **Water Veil** The Pokemon is immune to any of the Burn status. ===== Stats ===== ^**HP (4)**^**Init**^**Evade** ^**Phys Clash**^**Spec Clash**^ |7 |2 |2 |3 |3 | |**Str** |**Dex** |**Vit** |**Spec** |**Ins** | |3/6 |2/4 |3/6 |3/6 |2/5 | |**Tough** |**Cool**|**Beauty**|**Clever** |**Cute** | |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | ===== Skills ===== ^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^ | | | | | | | | | ===== Moves ===== * ☐ **Whirlpool** - //Water Type// Special Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+2//. **Effect:** Block. Deal 2 dice of damage at the end of each Round. Lasts 4 Rounds. -2 Accuracy. * ☐ **Bite** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. * ☐ **Screech** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Beginner//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Perform//. **Effect:** Reduce the foe’s Defense by 2. Sound Based. * ☐ **Feint Attack** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Beginner//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Never Fail. * ☐ **Water Pulse** - //Water Type// Special Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+2//. **Effect:** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Confuse the foe. * ☐ **Scary Face** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Intimidate//. **Effect:** Reduce the foe’s Dexterity by 2. * ☐ **Ice Fang** - //Ice Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Freeze the foe. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Brine** - //Water Type// Special Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+2//. **Effect:** If the foe is at half HP or less, add 3 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool. * ☐ **Baton Pass** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel//. **Effect:** Switcher Move. User switches out with another Pokemon. Any Attribute increase on the user is passed on the next Pokemon. The user can’t increase its Attributes again until the end of the scene. * ☐ **Crunch** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. **Effect:** Lethal. Roll 1 Chance Dice to reduce foe’s Defense. * ☐ **Dive** - //Water Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Charge Move. While charging this move, the User will be out of range. Allows the Pokemon to swim into Deep Waters. * ☐ **Sucker Punch** - //Dark Type// Physical Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. **Effect:** Priority 1. This move can only be used after the Target rolls a damaging move. * ☐ **Aqua Tail** - //Water Type// Physical Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. **Effect:** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Coil** - //Poison Type// Support Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Tough+Intimidate//. **Effect:** Increase the User’s Strength, Defense, and Accuracy. * ☐ **Hydro Pump** - //Water Type// Special Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+5//. **Effect:** -1 Accuracy. * ☐ **Muddy Water** - //Water Type// Special Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //All Foes//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+3//. **Effect:** All Foes in Range. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Reduce the Accuracy of those affected. -2 Accuracy. * ☐ **Bind** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+1//. **Effect:** Block. Deal 2 dice of damage at the end of each Round. Lasts 4 Rounds. -2 Accuracy. * ☐ **Super Fang** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //+0//. **Effect:** Damage Roll is Half of the Foe’s remaining HP (up to 10) rounded down. If the remaining HP of the foe is 1 this move fails. Ignore the foe’s Defenses. -1 Accuracy.