#PokeroleSRD/Statblock ====== Floette ====== A **Fairy** Pokemon with a **Nature** nature at **Rank** rank. It’s **Abilities** are: * **Flower Veil** User and allies can’t have their Attributes reduced. User and allies can’t have any Status Condition inflicted on them. Previously inflicted Attribute reductions and/or ailments remain. * **Symbiosis** If an ally loses or spends its Held Item, this Pokemon will immediately give the one it’s holding to the ally as a free action. ===== Stats ===== ^**HP (4)**^**Init**^**Evade** ^**Phys Clash**^**Spec Clash**^ |6 |2 |2 |2 |2 | |**Str** |**Dex** |**Vit** |**Spec** |**Ins** | |2/4 |2/4 |2/4 |2/5 |3/6 | |**Tough** |**Cool**|**Beauty**|**Clever** |**Cute** | |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | ===== Skills ===== ^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^ | | | | | | | | | ===== Moves ===== * ☐ **Tackle** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. * ☐ **Vine Whip** - //Grass Type// Physical Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. * ☐ **Fairy Wind** - //Fairy Type// Special Move learned at //Beginner//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+2//. * ☐ **Lucky Chant** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Beginner//. Targets //User and Allies//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Perform//. **Effect:** User and Allies in range can re-roll one un-successful die from all their rolls until the end of the scene. If an opponent would land a Critical Hit it doesn’t. Outside of battle good things happen at the story tellers discretion. * ☐ **Razor Leaf** - //Grass Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //All Foes//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+2//. **Effect:** Ranged. High Critical. * ☐ **Wish** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Will+Channel//. **Effect:** Basic Heal. If successful spend 1 Will point to activate. The move has its effect at the beginning of the next round. * ☐ **Magical Leaf** - //Grass Type// Special Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+2//. **Effect:** Never Fail. * ☐ **Grassy Terrain** - //Grass Type// Support Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Battlefield//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Nature//. **Effect:** If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. Everyone in the user’s side of the field heals 1 HP at the end of each round. Add 1 Extra Dice to the Damage Rolls of Grass Type Moves. * ☐ **Petal Blizzard** - //Grass Type// Physical Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //Area//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+3//. * ☐ **Aromatherapy** - //Grass Type// Support Move learned at //Amateur//. Targets //User and Allies//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Insight+Nature//. **Effect:** Cure User and Allies from Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Poison, or Sleep. * ☐ **Misty Terrain** - //Fairy Type// Support Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Battlefield//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Insight+Nature//. **Effect:** Creatures standing on the battlefield won’t be affected by Status Ailments. Dragon Type attacks won’t add their Power to the Damage Pool. Lasts 4 Rounds. * ☐ **Moonblast** - //Fairy Type// Special Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+3//. **Effect:** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Special. * ☐ **Petal Dance** - //Grass Type// Special Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Random Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+5//. **Effect:** Rampage. * ☐ **Solar Beam** - //Grass Type// Special Move learned at //Ace//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+5//. **Effect:** Charge Move. If there is a Sunny Weather, you skip this Move’s Charge action. If performed under Rain, Sandstorm, or Hail Weather, this Move takes two actions to Charge. * ☐ **Heal Bell** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //User and Allies//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Perform//. **Effect:** Cure the User and allies suffering from Status Conditions. They don’t need to be on the battlefield to get this effect. Sound Based. * ☐ **Camouflage** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Nature//. **Effect:** For the rest of the scene the User changes type to one that fits the terrain it is in (i.e. Usar is in a rocky cave, becoming rock type) * ☐ **Magic Coat** - //Psychic Type// Support Move learned at //Pro//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel//. **Effect:** Priority 4. Redirect the effects of a Support Move that would affect the user or its side of the battlefield towards the foe’s (ie. The foe used Stealth Rock, with Magic Coat it will now affect the foe’s side instead of yours).