#PokeroleSRD/Statblock ====== Ditto ====== A **Normal** Pokemon with a **Nature** nature at **Rank** rank. It’s **Abilities** are: * **Limber** This Pokemon is not affected by the Paralysis Status. * **Imposter** As soon as it enters to battle, this Pokemon will be under the effects of the move Transform. ===== Stats ===== ^**HP (4)**^**Init**^**Evade** ^**Phys Clash**^**Spec Clash**^ |6 |2 |2 |2 |2 | |**Str** |**Dex** |**Vit** |**Spec** |**Ins** | |2/4 |2/4 |2/4 |2/4 |2/4 | |**Tough** |**Cool**|**Beauty**|**Clever** |**Cute** | |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | ===== Skills ===== ^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^ | | | | | | | | | ===== Moves ===== * ☐ **Transform** - //Normal Type// Support Move learned at //Starter//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Will+Channel//. **Effect:** The user transforms into a copy of its target with same Ability, Attributes, Trait Modifiers, and Moves. Being inside a Pokeball breaks the Transformation.