#PokeroleSRD/Statblock ====== Blacephalon ====== A **Fire/Ghost** Pokemon with a **Nature** nature at **Rank** rank. It’s **Abilities** are: * **Beast Boost** If a foe faints because of an attack dealt by this Ultra-Beast, Increase 1 Point to its Attribute with highest limit. Up to 3 points can be increased this way. Only Ultra-Beasts might have this Ability. Beast Boost can’t be swapped or copied. ===== Stats ===== ^**HP (4)**^**Init**^**Evade** ^**Phys Clash**^**Spec Clash**^ |8 |6 |6 |7 |6 | |**Str** |**Dex** |**Vit** |**Spec** |**Ins** | |7/7 |6/6 |4/4 |6/6 |5/5 | |**Tough** |**Cool**|**Beauty**|**Clever** |**Cute** | |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | ===== Skills ===== ^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^Skill^ | | | | | | | | | ===== Moves ===== * ☐ **Ember** - //Fire Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+2//. **Effect:** Roll 1 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. * ☐ **Astonish** - //Ghost Type// Physical Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+1//. **Effect:** Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe. * ☐ **Magic Coat** - //Psychic Type// Support Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel//. **Effect:** Priority 4. Redirect the effects of a Support Move that would affect the user or its side of the battlefield towards the foe’s (ie. The foe used Stealth Rock, with Magic Coat it will now affect the foe’s side instead of yours). * ☐ **Stored Power** - //Psychic Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+1//. **Effect:** Add 1 Extra Dice of Damage for each Increased attribute the user has (ie. Clefairy has 1 Increased Point in Defense and 1 Evasion. Stored Power will have 2 Extra Dice on the Damage Pool). Up to 7 Dice may be added. * ☐ **Flame Burst** - //Fire Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+3//. **Effect:** After dealing damage, the user may roll 1 Dice of Damage against two other Targets. * ☐ **Night Shade** - //Ghost Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Insight+Channel// with a damage pool of //+0//. **Effect:** Roll Damage Dice according to the User’s Rank. 1 Dice at Starter Rank. 2 Dice at Beginner Rank. 3 dice at Amateur Rank. 4 Dice at Ace Rank. 5 Dice at Professional Rank. Ignores Defense. * ☐ **Light Screen** - //Psychic Type// Support Move learned at //Master//. Targets //User and Allies//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel//. **Effect:** User and Allies will receive 1 less Damage from Special Attacks. Lasts 4 Rounds. * ☐ **Calm Mind** - //Psychic Type// Support Move learned at //Master//. Targets //User//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Insight+Channel//. **Effect:** Increase the User’s Special and Sp. Defense. * ☐ **Fire Blast** - //Fire Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+5//. **Effect:** Lethal. Roll 3 Chance Dice to apply Burn 3 to the foe. -2 Accuracy. * ☐ **Shadow Ball** - //Ghost Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+3//. **Effect:** Roll 1 Chance Dice to Reduce foe’s Sp. Defense. * ☐ **Trick** - //Psychic Type// Support Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Special+Allure//. **Effect:** The foe and the user swap Held Items. * ☐ **Mind Blown** - //Fire Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Area//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Insight+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+6//. **Effect:** Area Attack. Recoil. * ☐ **Explosion** - //Normal Type// Physical Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Area//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Strength+Brawl// with a damage pool of //Strength+10//. **Effect:** After the damage is dealt the User faints. Lethal. * ☐ **Spite** - //Ghost Type// Support Move learned at //Master//. Targets //Foe//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Will+Intimidate//. **Effect:** Reduce Target’s Will to 1 point temporarily. Reset any effects it got from spending Will Points. * ☐ **Heat Wave** - //Fire Type// Special Move learned at //Master//. Targets //All Foes//. It’s Accuracy dice are //Dexterity+Channel// with a damage pool of //Special+3//. **Effect:** Target all foes in Range. Roll 1 Chance Dice to Burn those affected. -1 Accuracy.