====== Terrain Table ====== ^Tile Terrain ^Move^DR^Avo^Vein?^Special ^ |Mountain |2 |+1|- | | | |Woods |2 |- |+1 | | | |Woods |2 |- |+1 | | | |Pillar |2 |- |+1 | | | |Thicket |2 |- |+1 | | | |Fog |2 |- |+1 |Yes | | |Fort |2 |+2|+1 | |At start of turn on this tile, **Heal(10)** | |Protection Tile|1 |+2|+1 | |At start of turn on this tile, **Heal(10)** | |Heal Tile |1 |- |- |Yes |At start of turn on this tile, **Heal(10)** | |Gate/Door |- |- |- | |Deal 15 Damage to destroy and make Floor, or use **Pick**.| |Water |1 |- |-1 |Yes | | |Stone Pillars |2 |+2|- |Yes | | |Vines |2 |- |- |Yes | | |Flames |1 |- |- |Yes |At start of turn on this tile, take 5 Damage **Piercing**.| |Ice |- |- |- |Yes |Deal 15 Damage to destroy | ====== Rating Reference ====== ^Rating ^F ^D^E^C ^B ^A ^S ^ |Base Damage (Str/Mag) |2 |3|4|5 |6 |7 |8 | |Hit/Agility Bonus (Dex/Spd)|-5|0|5|10|15|20|25| |Damage Reduction (Def/Res) |0 |1|2|3 |4 |5 |6 | ====== Follow Up Reference ====== ^Rating ^F^E^D^C ^B ^A ^S ^ |Follows Up on:|-|-|F|F, E|F, E, D|F, E, D, C|F, E, D, C, B| ====== Weapon Triangle ====== ^Weapon^Effective Against ^ |Swords|Axes | |Lances|Swords | |Axes |Lances | |Arts |Tomes, Daggers, Bows|