====== Exterior ====== > The Cinnabar Mansion is a well known ruin, an unofficial landmark of the island. Rumors about what caused it’s collapse have swirled for years, but it still stands depsite years of neglect. > The exterior walls, amazingly, are mostly still standing. A few of the second floor walls have caved it, but the first floor still requires you to enter through the front door. All the windows you can see have been boarded up, partly to preserve what little glass remains and partly to keep wild pokemon out. The dark wood of the mansion is dyed a deeper color by the rain and the whole thing smells as one would expect wet wood to. ====== Foyer ====== > The man hall of the mansion still manages to look impressive. Three Pokemon statues on either side of the foyer guide you towards the ruined staircase to the second floor. A few holes in the ceiling give you glimpse of the ceiling of the second floor, while one allows rain through. Ruined and burned rugs lay untouched by years and years of visitors to the site. There are two pathways out of the Foyer, not counting the ruined Stairs that can no longer be used. ====== Study ====== > This room is set up as reading room, with heavily damaged arm chairs and desks filling a lot of the room. There are a handful of shelves as well, but they are mostly empty. There are massive windows across from the entrance to the room, but they’ve long broken and been replaced with boards. ====== Library ====== > The Library of the Mansion was massive, and still is. The builder clearly wanted to fit as many books in as possible but while doing so made a maze of shelves in the large room. Many of the shelves still have books, though most are too damaged to read either via burning or water damage. Quite a few holes in the roof allow rain to fall into this room. ====== Radio Room ====== > Most of the floor of this second floor room has collapsed into the first floor room below it. a good 15 feet up, a small ledge of floor remains around a table and chairs in the former room, as well as round some machinery that’s connected to the radio dish in the ceiling. ====== Server Room ====== > This room is filled with massive, old timey computer equipment. Tapes lay about everywhere that must have once held valuable research data. Many of the machines seem intentionally broken, smashed in with tape spooling out of them. ====== Lab ====== > This was once some kind of chemistry lab. Broken glass fills the room from beakers and vials. Documents are scattered across tables and equipment lays broken or scattered about on tables through out the room. ====== Statis Chamber ====== > This room is dark asides from the lights that point to the only fixture of the room: a massive cylindrical tube, large enough to fit most pokemon and easily a human. The lights are setup as a if they were highlighting the tube, like it was the main attraction in a zoo. The tube itself is broken, greenish stains on the carpet around it’s base and the glass forming a short barrier on the bottom and top of the tube.