%%//%%motto ^Key Info ^^ |Government Type: || |Capital City: || |Symbol: || |Primary Religion:|| |Hallmarks: || %%//%%location and climate %%//%%origin %%//%%religion %%//%%laguz presence %%//%%government %%//%%what towns look/feel/smell like %%//%%clothing ===== Traits for Characters from the Nation ===== ===== Culture ===== %%//%%work, jobs, days off, common professions %%//%%food %%//%%coming of age, education, how is history preserved %%//%%magic %%//%%how is crime punished %%//%%important traits, things with cultural significance ===== Military ===== ⭕🔴 ^Unit ^Skill Level^Size^ |Infantry: |⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ | | |Cavalry: |⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ | | |Magic Forces:|⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ | | |Navy: |⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕ | | %%//%%speciality units (add to table) %%//%%leadership style ===== Cities and Sites ===== ===== Foreign Relations ===== %%//%%general %%//%% This nation’s people tends to see X people as… * **Callora**: * **Torshan**: * **Dwyr**: * **Eraia**: * **Theanovene**: