====== GM Information on the Olcressia Families ====== * **Valentina** Barmaid and owner of Oliva, a dive bar / tavern in Western Olcressia. While Oliva attracts some of the worst people, it also attracts some of the best thanks to Valentina's beauty, cocktails, and the knowledge that Valentina will not allow any asshattery in her tavern. Valentina grew up an orphan and suffered a lot, and took over the bar from it's former matron who helped her get off the streets. She extends that same helping hand to anyone she can. * **Mattia** Head bartender of the high end cocktail bar Chiarino. Famous for his 5 star cocktails, he's a quiet but confident man who knows when to listen. Elites from around the world visit Chiarino to be amazed by what he creates which leaves him privy to a lot of secret discussions. He has a rivalry of sorts with Valentina, though it one driven by respect. He's repeatedly offered her a job as his peer, which would a hell of a salary boost, but she's too attached to Oliva. ===== The Families ===== **Ranks:** Don, Capo, Soldiers. Make a stat sheet for each level. ==== Agresta Family of West Olcressia ==== * **Crime** Drugs * **Nation** Holy Kingdom * **Good** Contribute to orphanages and hospitals * **Vibe** Pressed, clean, white suits, everyone looks sharp. red cloaks for the superiors. ---- * **Giacomo, Don** Leader of the Agresta. A Religious man who also distributes Revelation through Olcressia. His children don't believe it but he feels Revelation brings one closer to Godliness. He has ties above board to the Holy Kingdom and they aren't adverse to using his back connections either. Fights like a Power Angel, sword and wings. * **Aurora, Capo** Daughter of Giacomo. Luca's older sister and an accomplished markswoman and mage. She handles much of the enforcing on behalf of the family and looks down on Luca for being cowardly. * **Carmen, Capo** Daughter of Giacomo. She is a genius alchemist and designed Revelation. She's always been chasing the praise Giacomo gives Aurora, but never received it. This has driven her to creating more and more dangerous recipes to try and prove her worth. * **Flavia, Capo** Daughter of Giacomo. Maintains the orphanages that the Agresta are publicly known for. Two faced, perfect little angel outside, human calculus practitioner inside. Has orphans be the drug runners. * **Luca, Capo** Son of Giacomo. Black sheep as he's not much of a mobster. Instead he studied in Regalia to be a physicker. He has to heal mobsters a lot but avoids the more gruesome aspects of his family's trade. He studied Spiritualism with Fionne and she reaches out to him to see if he has any insight on the old tomes, which he know the family does. ==== Raneri Family of Central Olcressia ==== * **Crime** Arms Dealing * **Nation** Mountain Republic * **Good** Fund public works, including the trolley system * **Vibe** Dresses and finery, the latest fashions. Accessorized to the nines. * Raneri hates Brivio as they've moved into Raneri terf. A war is brewing, though nothing openly yet. ---- * **Beatrice, Don** * **Katia, Capo** A summoner. ==== Mancini Family of East Olcressia ==== * **Crime** Extortion/Caravan Theft * **Nation** Endell * **Good** Run Galleries and fund artistic events * **Vibe** Pinstripe suits, cigars, vintage looks ---- * **Salvatore, Don** An art lover and classic mobster. He demands respect but gives it in return. The oldest of the families in Olcressia (according to him). He has connections with businesses, galleries, artists, and guilds from Olcressia to Endell and wines and dines them into being parts of his galleries... or he steals from them. Then he'll offer his "services" as protection. * **Carlotta, Capo** Salvatore's sister. A jealous artist, frequently send Mancini resources after people who compete against her in shows. She's brutal to those she's difficult with and has a reputation in the art world. * **Mia, Capo** Carlotta's daughter. A reluctant capo, she has spent most of her life being bullied by her mother due to her talent with a brush. Mia has downplayed those talents in her adult life, afraid of attracting her mother's wrath. She runs a gallery that's on of the Mancini's legitimate businesses. She has a loyal faction of former maids and butlers of hers that would die for her, though she rarely is involved with extortion itself. * **Bruno, Capo** A typical brutish enforcer type, Salvatore's son. Bruno is very loyal to the family but doesn't understand the point of the galleries and art. He feels they should stop pretending and be the criminal empire they are, but doesn't understand how that paints a target on their head. * **Andreas, Capo** Salvatore's son and a faceman through and through. He's a flirt and extortionist of the highest caliber. He has little loyalty to his father, but is used to the good life and expects the money from the family, so he'll always be loyal to that. Not the best at orders, but gets the job done. Has some ruthless assassination talents. ==== Brivio Family of Central Olcressia ==== * **Crime** Underground Arena, monster trafficking * **Nation** Donova * **Good** Revitalized the south shore buying buying up destroyed land and investing in their estate. * **Vibe** Sleeves rolled up, everyone carries their weight, classy but well worn. Brivio is new blood and not at all family run at the moment. Enrico has pulled together his Capo from those who he can trust or buy the loyalty of. ---- * **Enrico, Don** A man who dreams of being king of the Olcressia underworld. Clever and pleasant when spoken to, he's simultaneously ruthless and scheming his way into power in Olcressia. He has ties back to Donova as a prominent leader there and pulls his troops and monsters out of Donova and Beregand. * **Nicole, Capo** An ice mage who turned on the Mountain Republic when they used her as a scapegoat. She left for Donova and rose through the ranks to be Enrico's second in command. While ever guarded, she's confident in Enrico's plans and will see them through. * **Gennaro, Capo** A noble, old, former solider whose lived through a life in Beregand. He's still quite deadly and has turned to Enrico out of the believe Enrico can use the power he'll attain to bring foreign assistance to stabilizing Beregand. He's seen too many lives lost in Beregand to care about the less ethical parts of Enrico's plans.